IMPANGA is an algebraic geometry seminar created at IMPAN in 2000 by Piotr Pragacz. It is currently organized by Piotr Achinger, Jarosław Buczyński, and Michał Kapustka, with Piotr Pragacz as Honorary Chairman.
In the academic year 2021/22, IMPANGA meets twice per month for a one day session on Friday, with two 60 min talks separated by a lunch break:
I. 10:30-11:30
II. 13:00-14:00
The seminar meets in Room 6 at IMPAN (unless stated otherwise). Sometimes we meet online or in hybrid mode via Zoom. Please email one of the organizers for the Zoom link.
See here for information on former meetings of IMPANGA
Meetings during the 2021/22 term
October 8 (impanga 423): special meeting in honor of Piotr Pragacz
Flag Bundles, Segre Polynomials and Push-Forwards
Speaker: Lionel Darondeau (IMJ-PRG, Sorbonne Université)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 321
This is a joint work with Piotr Pragacz. We give Gysin formulas for partial flag bundles for the classical groups. We then give Gysin formulas for Schubert varieties in Grassmann bundles, including isotropic ones. All these formulas are proved in a rather uniform way by using the step-by-step construction of flag bundles and the Gysin formula for a projective bundle. In this way we obtain a comprehensive list of new universal formulas.
Periods of EPW cubes
Speaker: Michał Kapustka (IMPAN)
12:50–13:50, IMPAN 321
On the third exterior power of a vector space of dimension six we can define a natural (up to constant) non-degenerate skew-symmetric form associated to the wedge product. To the family of Lagrangian subspaces with respect to this form we associate two complete families of polarized IHS manifolds. These are the so-called double EPW sextics and double EPW cubes. The elements of both families are constructed as double covers of suitable Lagrangian degeneracy loci. It is known that the period domains of these two families are related by a natural quotient 2:1 map. In joint work with G. Kapustka and G. Mongardi we prove that this quotient map is compatible with the period maps of the two families. As a consequence, we deduce that EPW cubes are moduli spaces of objects on the Kuznetsov components of their associated Gushel-Mukai fourfolds.
October 22 (impanga 424)
Semistable modules over Lie algebroids
Speaker: Adrian Langer (MIMUW)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 403
Modules over Lie algebroids generalize Higgs bundles and vector bundles with integrable connections. I will show a few theorems concerning moduli spaces of such semistable modules. Some of them are completely new even in the case of usual semistable sheaves and allow, e.g., for a description of points of the moduli space of slope semistable sheaves.
Serre-invariant stability conditions and cubic threefolds
Speaker: Laura Pertusi (Milan)
12:50–13:50, IMPAN 403
Stability conditions on the Kuznetsov component of a Fano threefold of Picard rank 1, index 1 and 2 have been constructed by Bayer, Lahoz, Macrì and Stellari, making possible to study moduli spaces of stable objects and their geometric properties. In this talk we investigate the action of the Serre functor on these stability conditions. In the index 2 case and in the case of GM threefolds, we show that they are Serre-invariant. Then we prove a general criterion which ensures the existence of a unique Serre-invariant stability condition and applies to some of these Fano threefolds. Finally, we apply these results to the study of moduli spaces in the case of a cubic threefold X. In particular, we prove the smoothness of moduli spaces of stable objects in the Kuznetsov component of X and the irreducibility of the moduli space of stable Ulrich bundles on X. These results come from joint works with Song Yang and with Soheyla Feyzbakhsh and in preparation with Ethan Robinett.
November 5 (impanga 425)
Rationality under specialization
Speaker: Andrew Kresch (Universität Zürich)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 321
We recall Voisin's specialization method for the study of the behavior of (stable) rationality of algebraic varieties under specialization and describe recent reformulations and extensions.
Almost minimal model program for log surfaces
Speaker: Karol Palka (IMPAN)
12:50–13:50, IMPAN 321
Unlike in the case of smooth projective surfaces, a minimal model of a log smooth surface with nonzero boundary may be singular. The construction of an almost minimal model, a modification of a usual MMP run, allows to delay the appearance of singularities. It allows to produce interesting curves lying outside the boundary and meeting it in a controlled manner. We will discuss the method and some of its applications, including a new strong structure theorem for normal log del Pezzo surfaces of rank 1 (from which a classification will follow).
November 19 (impanga 426), moved online
Algebraic geometry of commuting matrices
Speaker: Joachim Jelisiejew (MIMUW)
10:30–11:30, on Zoom
Tuples of $n$ commuting matrices of size $d\times d$ form an algebraic variety${}^*$ that is both natural and useful in applications, for example to tensors. In the talk I will explain how surprisingly little is known and how one can investigate it using deformations of modules, via the classical ADHM construction and geometric/commutative algebra tools. This is a joint work with Klemen Šivic.
$l$-away ACM Bundles on $\mathbb{P}^2$ and $\mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^1$
Speaker: Özhan Genç (Jagiellonian University)
11:45–12:45, Zoom
A vector bundle $\mathcal{E}$ on a smooth projective variety $(X,\mathcal{O}_X (1))$ is called ACM if $\mathrm{H}^i(X,\mathcal{E}(t))=0$ for all $t \in \mathbb{Z}$ and $0 < i < \mathrm{dim}(X)$. The structure of such bundles are known very explicitly for $\mathbb{P}^{n}$ and smooth guadrics $Q^n$. On the other side, there is not a structure theorem nor classification for non-ACM bundles on these varieties. In this talk, we will examine the structure of $\mathrm{H}_*^1 (X, \mathcal{E})$ for a rank 2 non-ACM bundle $\mathcal{E}$ where $X$ is $\mathbb{P}^2$ or $\mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^1$. Also, we will give a construction of weakly Ulrich bundles and supernatural bundles of any even rank on these varieties. This talk is based on a joint work with Filip Gawron.
December 3 (impanga 427), online
Irregular Hodge theory: Applications to arithmetic and mirror symmetry
Speaker: Claude Sabbah (École Polytechnique)
10:30–11:30, on Zoom
Irregular Hodge theory was initiated by Deligne in 1984, with arithmetic motivations, to deal with Hodge properties in the context of connections with irregular singularities. It also proves useful for computing Hodge numbers of some classical motives. The talk will explain the origin and motivations, the main examples in exponential Hodge theory and examples of irregular Hodge-Tate structures related to Fano toric manifolds.
Non-degenerate locally tame complete intersection varieties and geometry of non-isolated hypersurface singularities
Speaker: Christophe Eyral (IMPAN)
11:45–12:45, on Zoom
I will present a new criterion to test Whitney equisingularity and Thom's $(a_f)$ condition for certain families of (possibly non-isolated) hypersurface singularities that "behave well" with respect to their Newton diagrams. As a corollary, I will show that in such families all members have isomorphic Milnor fibrations. This is a joint work with Mutsuo Oka.
December 17 (impanga 428), hybrid
Zariski multiplicity conjecture via Floer homology
Speaker: Tomasz Pełka (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 (transmitted on Zoom)
The family version of the Zariski multiplicity conjecture asserts that a family of isolated hypersurface singularities with constant Milnor number has constant multiplicity, too. I will explain a proof of this conjecture based on a new construction of the McLean spectral sequence. Given a holomorphic function $f$ on $X$ with isolated critical points, this sequence converges to the fixed-point Floer homology of the monodromy of $f$, and - in case $X$ is a Milnor ball, which was McLean's original setting - computes the multiplicity of $f$. To apply this result in families, we need to fix a Milnor ball $X$ for one member and keep the size for the nearby ones: this is where a new, general setting is used. To obtain this sequence, we make an A'Campo-style choice of a symplectic monodromy with good dynamics. This is a joint work with J. F. de Bobadilla.
Minimality and Uniqueness for decompositions of Symmetric Tensors
Speaker: Elena Angelini (Università di Siena)
13:00–14:00, on Zoom (and Room 6)
Two natural questions that arise in tensor area are the computation of the rank and the identifiability of a specific tensor. In this talk I will provide some answers to these problems in the case of symmetric tensors, by using tools from classical Algebraic Geometry.
January 14 (impanga 429)
Classification of algebraic varieties in positive and mixed characteristic
Speaker: Jakub Witaszek (University of Michigan)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 / Zoom
In my talk I will describe recent developments in classifying algebraic varieties in arithmetic settings. I will start by explaining the background for complex varieties and providing motivation for the study of their arithmetic analogues. The work is partially based on recent breakthroughs in arithmetic geometry and commutative algebra.
On the strength of homogeneous polynomials
Speaker: Alessandro Oneto (Università di Trento)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 / Zoom
The strength of a homogeneous polynomial is the smallest length of an additive decomposition as sum of reducible forms. It is called slice rank if we additionally require that the reducible forms have a linear factor. Geometrically, the slice rank corresponds to the smallest codimension of a linear space contained in the hypersurface defined by the form. Due to this relation, it is well-known and easy to compute the value of the general slice rank and also to show that the set of forms with bounded slice rank is Zariski-closed.
In this talk, I will present the following results from recent joint works with A. Bik, E. Ballico and E. Ventura:
(1) the set of forms with bounded strength is not always Zariski-closed: this is an asymptotic result in the number of variables proved by using the theory of polynomial functors;
(2) for general forms, strength and slice rank are equal: this is proved by showing that the largest component of the secant variety of the variety of reducible forms is the secant variety of the variety of forms with a linear factor.
January 28 (impanga 430), hybrid
On $p$-adic étale cohomology of $p$-adic analytic spaces
Speaker: Wiesława Nizioł (CNRS, Sorbonne)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom
I will discuss properties of $p$-adic étale cohomology of $p$-adic analytic spaces (comparison with de Rham type cohomologies, duality). This is based on a joint work with Pierre Colmez and Sally Gilles.
Fixed-point loci in the Hilbert schemes of points in the plane
Speaker: Jørgen Vold Rennemo (University of Oslo)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom
The Betti numbers of Hilbert schemes of points in the plane were first computed by Ellingsrud and Strømme. In this talk, we'll let a finite cyclic group act on the plane, and consider the analogous problem of computing the Betti numbers of the fixed loci under the induced action on the Hilbert scheme of points. The main result is a new product formula for the Betti numbers in the case where no element of the group fixes the symplectic form on the plane. This is joint work with Paul Johnson.
March 4 (impanga 431), hybrid
Identifiability of pairs of polynomials
Speaker: Francesco Galuppi (IMPAN)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom
It is a classical result that two general quadratic forms can be simultaneously diagonalized in a unique way. For forms of higher degrees, it is a long-standing problem to classify when we get uniqueness. In this talk I'll present the solution for forms in three variables. Our strategy is to translate the problem into the study of a certain linear system on a projective bundle on the plane.
On the existence of minimal models for generalized pairs
Speaker: Nikolaos Tsakanikas (Universität des Saarlandes)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom
I will discuss recent progress on the existence of minimal
models and Mori fiber spaces for generalized pairs. I will also explain
the close relationship between the existence of minimal models and the
existence of weak Zariski decompositions for generalized pairs. This is
joint work with Vladimir Lazić.
March 18 (impanga 432)
$p$-adic non-abelian Hodge theory and the pro-étale site
Speaker: Ben Heuer (Universität Bonn)
10:30–11:30, Room 6
Following Simpson, non-abelian Hodge theory studies representations of
the fundamental group of a smooth projective complex variety by way of a
non-abelian generalisation of the Hodge decomposition. In this talk, I
will discuss an analogue of this theory in the p-adic world: I will
explain why Scholze's pro-étale site naturally appears in this context,
and how it can be used to study p-adic representations of the étale
fundamental group of p-adic varieties in terms of "pro-étale vector
bundles". This leads to a kind of Hitchin fibration that gives a
non-abelian generalisation of the Hodge--Tate sequence of p-adic Hodge
The linear span of uniform matrix product states
Speaker: Tim Seynnaeve (Universität Bern)
13:00–14:00, Room 6
The variety of uniform matrix product states arises both in algebraic geometry as a noncommutative analogue of the Veronese variety, and in quantum many-body physics as a model for a translation-invariant system of sites placed on a ring. Using methods from linear algebra, representation theory, and invariant theory of matrices, we study the linear span of this variety. This talk is based on joint work with Claudia De Lazzari and Harshit Motwani.
April 8 (impanga 433)
On Separable $\mathbf{A}^2$ and $\mathbf{A}^3$-forms
Speaker: Neena Gupta (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom
Let $k$ be a field and $F$ be its algebraic closure.
A $k$-algebra $B$ is said to be an $\mathbf{A}^n$-form over $k$ if $B \otimes_k F$ is isomorphic to the polynomial ring $F[Y_1, \dots, Y_n]$.
It is well-known that separable $\mathbf{A}^1$-forms over $k$ are isomorphic to the polynomial ring $k[Y]$ and that there exist non-trivial purely inseparable $\mathbf{A}^1$-forms over fields of positive characteristic.
A nontrivial result of T. Kambayashi establishes that separable $\mathbf{A}^2$-forms over $k$ are also isomorphic to the polynomial ring $k[Y_1, Y_2]$.
However, for $n >2$, it is not known whether every separable $\mathbf{A}^n$-form is necessarily isomorphic to the polynomial ring $k[Y_1, \dots, Y_n]$.
In this talk, we shall discuss a partial solution to this problem for the case $n=3$.
We shall also discuss $\mathbf{A}^2$-forms over commutative rings.
On stable surfaces of general type with small invariants
Speaker: Stephen Coughlan (Universität Bayreuth)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom
The study of surfaces of general type and their moduli goes back to the beginning of the 20th century. If the invariants are chosen carefully, then we have a good understanding of the moduli space in a classical sense. We will concentrate on the particular case of regular surfaces with geometric genus 2, and canonical degree 1. One can try to compactify the classical moduli space by admitting surfaces with certain mild singularities. I will describe some of the behaviours and complications which arise when we do this. This is ongoing joint work with Marco Franciosi, Rita Pardini, Julie Rana, and Sönke Rollenske.
April 22 (impanga 434)
Schubert calculus: from classical via $K$-theory to elliptic classes
Speaker: Andrzej Weber (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom
Schubert calculus roughly speaking is a theory organizing cohomological
invariants of Schubert varieties into an algebraic structure. The
behaviour of such invariants in families is governed by the torus actions
on the homogenous spaces. Therefore the torus equivariant theories are
proper objects to study. They have a rich structure: they are modules over
the algebras spanned by characters and Hecke-type operations. Starting
from the classical divided differences, Demazure-Lusztig operations, I
will report on the recent development in $K$-theory and elliptic theory.
Variation of stable birational type and bounds for complete intersections
Speaker: Johannes Nicaise (Imperial College London and KU Leuven)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom
This talk is based on joint work with John Christian Ottem. I will explain a generalization of results by Shinder on variation of stable birational types in degenerating families, and how this can be used to extend Schreieder's non-stable rationality bounds from hypersurfaces to complete intersections in characteristic zero. This technique yields new results already for complete intersections of quadrics.
May 6 (impanga 435)
On the unirationality of quadric bundles
Speaker: Alex Massarenti (Università di Ferrara)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom
An $n$-dimensional variety $X$ over a field $k$ is unirational if there is a dominant rational map $\mathbb{P}^n_{k}\to X$. Unirationality is a central property not only in birational geometry but also in number theory since the set of rational points of a unirational variety, over an infinite field, is dense. We will focus on the unirationality of quadric bundles. We will prove that a general $n$-fold quadric bundle $\mathcal{Q}^{n-1}\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^{1}$, over a number field, with anti-canonical divisor of positive volume and discriminant of odd degree $\delta_{\mathcal{Q}^{n-1}}$ is unirational. Furthermore, the same holds for quadric bundles over an arbitrary infinite field provided that $\mathcal{Q}^{n-1}$ has a point, is otherwise general and $n\leq 5$. We will also give similar results for quadric bundles over higher dimensional projective spaces defined over an arbitrary field. For instance, we will prove the unirationality of a general $n$-fold quadric bundle $\mathcal{Q}^{h}\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^{n-h}$ with discriminant of odd degree $\delta_{\mathcal{Q}^{h}}\leq 3h+4$, and of any smooth $4$-fold quadric bundle $\mathcal{Q}^{2}\rightarrow\mathbb{P}^{2}$, over an algebraically closed field, with $\delta_{\mathcal{Q}^{2}}\leq 12$. As a byproduct we will show the unirationality of certain divisors in products of projective spaces that have recently been proved to be non stably rational.
\(\mathbb{C}^*\) actions and birational geometry
Speaker: Jarosław Wiśniewski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom
The relations of \(\mathbb{C}^*\) actions and birational geometry of complex projective manifolds is commonly known and have been used for decades. In the present talk I will discuss birational geometry of varieties with \(\mathbb{C}^*\) actions and its relation to the quotients of the action. The talk will be based on a joint project with Eleonora Romano, Gianluca Occhetta and Luis Sola Conde.