IMPANGA is an algebraic geometry seminar created at IMPAN in 2000 by Piotr Pragacz. It is currently organized by Piotr Achinger, Jarosław Buczyński, and Michał Kapustka, with Piotr Pragacz as Honorary Chairman.

In the academic year 2021/22, IMPANGA meets twice per month for a one day session on Friday, with two 60 min talks separated by a lunch break:

I. 10:30-11:30
II. 13:00-14:00

The seminar meets in Room 6 at IMPAN (unless stated otherwise). Sometimes we meet online or in hybrid mode via Zoom. Please email one of the organizers for the Zoom link.

See here for information on former meetings of IMPANGA

Meetings during the 2021/22 term

October 8 (impanga 423): special meeting in honor of Piotr Pragacz

Flag Bundles, Segre Polynomials and Push-Forwards

Speaker: Lionel Darondeau (IMJ-PRG, Sorbonne Université)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 321


11:50–12:50 Reception/lunch in room 409

Periods of EPW cubes

Speaker: Michał Kapustka (IMPAN)
12:50–13:50, IMPAN 321


14:00–15:00 Wine and cheese in room 409

October 22 (impanga 424)

Note the change of room (403)

Semistable modules over Lie algebroids

Speaker: Adrian Langer (MIMUW)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 403


Serre-invariant stability conditions and cubic threefolds

Speaker: Laura Pertusi (Milan)
12:50–13:50, IMPAN 403


November 5 (impanga 425)

Rationality under specialization

Speaker: Andrew Kresch (Universität Zürich)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 321


Almost minimal model program for log surfaces

Speaker: Karol Palka (IMPAN)
12:50–13:50, IMPAN 321


November 19 (impanga 426), moved online

Please email the organizers for the Zoom link

Algebraic geometry of commuting matrices

Speaker: Joachim Jelisiejew (MIMUW)
10:30–11:30, on Zoom



$l$-away ACM Bundles on $\mathbb{P}^2$ and $\mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^1$

Speaker: Özhan Genç (Jagiellonian University)
11:45–12:45, Zoom



December 3 (impanga 427), online

Please email the organizers for the Zoom link

Irregular Hodge theory: Applications to arithmetic and mirror symmetry

Speaker: Claude Sabbah (École Polytechnique)
10:30–11:30, on Zoom



Non-degenerate locally tame complete intersection varieties and geometry of non-isolated hypersurface singularities

Speaker: Christophe Eyral (IMPAN)
11:45–12:45, on Zoom



December 17 (impanga 428), hybrid

This meeting will be held in a hybrid format. The first talk will take place in Room 6 at IMPAN and will be broadcast online via Zoom. The second speaker will connect via Zoom and the participants will gather in Room 6. Please email the organizers for the Zoom link if you wish to participate remotely.

Zariski multiplicity conjecture via Floer homology

Speaker: Tomasz Pełka (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 (transmitted on Zoom)



Minimality and Uniqueness for decompositions of Symmetric Tensors

Speaker: Elena Angelini (Università di Siena)
13:00–14:00, on Zoom (and Room 6)



January 14 (impanga 429)

Classification of algebraic varieties in positive and mixed characteristic

Speaker: Jakub Witaszek (University of Michigan)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 / Zoom


On the strength of homogeneous polynomials

Speaker: Alessandro Oneto (Università di Trento)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 / Zoom


January 28 (impanga 430), hybrid

On $p$-adic étale cohomology of $p$-adic analytic spaces

Speaker: Wiesława Nizioł (CNRS, Sorbonne)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom


Fixed-point loci in the Hilbert schemes of points in the plane

Speaker: Jørgen Vold Rennemo (University of Oslo)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom


March 4 (impanga 431), hybrid

Identifiability of pairs of polynomials

Speaker: Francesco Galuppi (IMPAN)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom


On the existence of minimal models for generalized pairs

Speaker: Nikolaos Tsakanikas (Universität des Saarlandes)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom


March 18 (impanga 432)

$p$-adic non-abelian Hodge theory and the pro-étale site

Speaker: Ben Heuer (Universität Bonn)
10:30–11:30, Room 6


The linear span of uniform matrix product states

Speaker: Tim Seynnaeve (Universität Bern)
13:00–14:00, Room 6


April 8 (impanga 433)

On Separable $\mathbf{A}^2$ and $\mathbf{A}^3$-forms

Speaker: Neena Gupta (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom


On stable surfaces of general type with small invariants

Speaker: Stephen Coughlan (Universität Bayreuth)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom


April 22 (impanga 434)

Schubert calculus: from classical via $K$-theory to elliptic classes

Speaker: Andrzej Weber (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom


Variation of stable birational type and bounds for complete intersections

Speaker: Johannes Nicaise (Imperial College London and KU Leuven)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom


May 6 (impanga 435)


On the unirationality of quadric bundles

Speaker: Alex Massarenti (Università di Ferrara)
10:30–11:30, Room 6 and Zoom


\(\mathbb{C}^*\) actions and birational geometry

Speaker: Jarosław Wiśniewski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
13:00–14:00, Room 6 and Zoom


May 20 (impanga 436)


Generic topological type of complex plane polynomial mappings

Speaker: Michał Farnik (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN Kraków


Subvarieties in projective spaces and their projections

Speaker: Justyna Szpond (IMPAN/Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN Kraków


June 3 (impanga 437)


Homogeneous roofs of projective bundles and semiorthogonal decompositions

Speaker: Marco Rampazzo (Università di Bologna)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 6


Fundamental groups in non-Archimedean geometry

Speaker: Piotr Achinger (IMPAN)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN 6


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