impanga 2022/23

IMPANGA is an algebraic geometry seminar created at IMPAN in 2000 by Piotr Pragacz. It is currently organized by Piotr Achinger, Jarosław Buczyński, and Michał Kapustka.

In the academic year 2022/23, IMPANGA meets twice per month for a one day session on Friday, with two 60 min talks separated by a lunch break (10:30-11:30 and 13:00-14:00).

The seminar meets in Room 403 at IMPAN (unless stated otherwise).

See here for information on former meetings of IMPANGA

Piotr Pragacz (1954–2022)

Piotr was a professor at Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences since 1997. His roots are in Toruń, where he completed his Master (1977) and Doctoral (1981) degrees. He also held short term positions at many universities and institutes around the world including positions in Strasbourg, Bergen, Bonn, Providence, and Kyoto. Among many other achievements in Mathematics, Piotr was a founder (in 2000) and the main organiser (until 2020, when he retired) of the Polish algebraic geometry seminar IMPANGA. The seminar and its satellite activities influenced many younger algebraic geometers from Poland, including the current organisers of IMPANGA. Piotr Pragacz passed away on October 25, 2022.

Upcoming meeting

May 26 (impanga 445)

The heart fan of a triangulated category

Speaker: David Ploog (University of Stavanger)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 403


Regular logarithmic connections

Speaker: Piotr Achinger (IMPAN)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN 403


Future meetings

Past meetings (2022/23 term)

May 12 (impanga 444)

Prym fibrations as irreducible symplectic varieties

Speaker: Chiara Camere (University of Milan)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 403


Hodge-to-singular correspondence

Speaker: Mirko Mauri (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN 403


April 21 (impanga 443)

Homological comparison of crepant resolutions and smooth ambient spaces

Speaker: Will Donovan (Yau MSC at Tsinghua, BIMSA, Kavli IPMU)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 403


Topics around the Tate-Oort group $\mathrm{TO}_p$

Speaker: Miles Reid (Warwick)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN 403


March 31 (impanga 442)

Tempered anabelian geometry in analytic spaces

Speaker: Sylvain Gaulhiac (IMPAN)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 403


Monomial projections of Veronese varieties: new results and conjectures

Speaker: Liena Colarte-Gómez (IMPAN)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN 403


March 17 (impanga 441)

Counting elliptic curves on the Enriques surface

Speaker: Georg Oberdieck (KTH)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 403


Hurwitz numbers and their $b$-deformation

Speaker: Maciej Dołęga (IMPAN)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN 403


March 3 (impanga 440)

Frobenius structure and $p$-adic zeta function

Speaker: Masha Vlasenko (IMPAN)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 403


Singular contact varieties

Speaker: Robert Śmiech (MIMUW)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN 403


January 27 (impanga 439)

Surfaces with many algebraic structures

Speaker: Rodion Deev (IMPAN)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 321


Quantum cohomology of hyperplane sections of (co)adjoint varieties

Speaker: Vladimiro Benedetti (Université de Bourgogne et Franche-Compté)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN 321


January 13 (impanga 438)

Wild ramification on étale morphisms of adic spaces

Speaker: Katharina Hübner (Frankfurt)
10:30–11:30, IMPAN 321


Higgs sheaves on normal varieties in positive characteristic

Speaker: Adrian Langer (MIMUW)
13:00–14:00, IMPAN 321


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