Dynamical Systems
(smooth, holomorphic, topological dynamics,
iteration of maps of interval, ergodic theory, etc.)

The seminar on dynamical systems in the academic year 2024/25 takes place on Mondays from 11:15 until 12:45 pm. in room 06 (ground floor) of the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (8, Śniadeckich str.) and via Zoom.

Next meeting:
          On Monday, 2 December 2024, at 11.15 in room 6 and online
          Jernej Činč (University of Maribor, Slovenia & ICTP Trieste, Italy):
          From Lebesgue measure-preserving maps to surface homeomorphisms with pseudo-arc and pseudo-circle attractors




List of previous talks


If you would like to be added to the mailing list of the Seminar or if you have suggestions for topics or speakers please contact Prof. Feliks Przytycki at F.Przytycki@impan.pl .


Ostatnia modyfikacja: 27 listopada 2024.