impanga 2024/25

IMPANGA is an algebraic geometry seminar organized by Piotr Achinger, Jarosław Buczyński, and Michał Kapustka. In the academic year 2024/25, the seminar meets twice per month for a one day session on Friday, with two 60 min talks separated by a lunch break (11:00-12:00 and 13:30-14:30). IMPANGA meets in Room 403 at IMPAN (unless stated otherwise).

To receive notifications about upcoming seminars join using google account, or contact one of the organizers.

IMPANGA was founded at IMPAN in 2000 by late Piotr Pragacz. See here for information on former meetings of IMPANGA

Upcoming meeting

Jan 10 (impanga 463)

K-stablity of Fano threefold hypersurfaces of index 1

Speaker: Livia Campo
11:00–12:00, IMPAN 403


A new technique for lower bounding the border rank

Speaker: Tomasz Mańdziuk
13:30–14:30, IMPAN 403


Future meetings

Jan 24 (impanga 464)


Speaker: TBA
11:00–12:00, IMPAN 403



Speaker: TBA
13:30–14:30, IMPAN 403


Past meetings

Oct 18 (impanga 458)

Series of lectures on the Zariski multiplicity conjecture part I

A short introduction to the Zariski multiplicity conjecture

Speaker: Christophe Eyral (IMPAN)
11:00–12:00, IMPAN 403


Symplectic monodromy at radius zero

Speaker: Tomasz Pełka (MIMUW)
13:30–14:30, IMPAN 403


Oct 25 (impanga 459)

Series of lectures on the Zariski multiplicity conjecture part II

Heegaard Floer homologies for algebraic geometer

Speaker: Maciej Borodzik (IMPAN)
11:00–12:00, IMPAN 403


Equimultiplicity of μ-constant families

Speaker: Tomasz Pełka (MIMUW)
13:30–14:30, IMPAN 403


Nov 15 (impanga 460)

Series of lectures on the Zariski multiplicity conjecture part III

Bi-Lipschitz equivalent cones with different degrees

Speaker: Zbigniew Jelonek (IMPAN)
11:00–12:00, IMPAN 403


A'Campo space: construction and applications.

Speaker: Tomasz Pełka (MIMUW)
13:30–14:30, IMPAN 403


Nov 22 (impanga 461)

Degree of the subspace variety

Speaker: Pierpaola Santarsiero (University of Bologna)
11:00–12:00, IMPAN 403


Prym maps of non-cyclic coverings

Speaker: Paweł Borówka (UJ)
13:30–14:30, IMPAN 403


Dec 06 (impanga 462)

Free plane curves in algebraic geometry

Speaker: Piotr Pokora (UKEN Kraków)
11:00–12:00, Kraków branch of IMPAN, św. Tomasza 30/7 Kraków


I will present the recent developments on free plane curves, mostly focusing on the problem of constructing algebraic surfaces having large Picard numbers and the so-called Numerical Terao's Conjecture. Time permitting, I will deliver some recent progress on Ziegler pairs of line arrangements.

Cactus scheme, catalecticant minors and singularities of secant varieties to high degree Veronese reembeddings.

Speaker: Jarosław Buczyński (IMPAN)
13:30–14:30, Kraków branch of IMPAN, św. Tomasza 30/7 Kraków


The r-th cactus variety of a subvariety X in a projective space generalises secant variety of X and it is defined using linear spans of finite schemes of degree r. It's original purpose was to study the vanishing sets of catalecticant minors. We propose adding a scheme structure to the cactus variety and we define it via relative linear spans of families of finite schemes over a potentially non-reduced base. In this way we are able to study the vanishing scheme of the catalecticant minors. For X which is a sufficiently large Veronese reembedding of projective variety, we show that r-th cactus scheme and the zero scheme of appropriate catalecticant minors agree on an open and dense subset which is the complement of the (r-1)-st cactus variety/scheme. As an application, we can describe the singular locus of (in particular) secant varieties to high degree Veronese varieties. Based on a joint work with Hanieh Keneshlou.