Research group, 18 - 21 November, Warszawa

    A. Królak, T. Bulik

  • Geometry and Operator Algebras
    Research group, 17 - 18 November, Warszawa

    E. Christensen,P. M. Hajac, S. Jackowski, S. L. Woronowicz

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  • Symplectic Topology and Geometry II
    Research group, 9 - 15 November, Będlewo

    B. Hajduk, A. Tralle

  • Constraints and Control
    Research group, 2 - 9 November, Warszawa

    J. Grabowski

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  • Superposition Principles
    Research group, 29 October - 5 November, Warszawa

    J. Grabowski

  • Graded Differential Geometry
    Research group, 19 - 26 October, Warszawa

    J. Grabowski

  • Second Polish Combinatorial Conference 17 - 23 October, Będlewo J. Grytczuk, J. Jaworski, P. Micek, P. Naroski, K. Rybarczyk
    17 - 23 October, Będlewo

    Second Polish Combinatorial Conference

    J. Grytczuk, J. Jaworski, P. Micek, P. Naroski, K. Rybarczyk

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  • Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications
    Conference, 2 - 5 October, Nałęczów

    A. Bobrowski, A. Łagodowski, M. Murat

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  • Risk Theory and Related Topics - EMS School in Applied Mathematics
    28 September - 8 October, Będlewo

    A. Palczewski,Ł. Stettner

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  • Advanced Research Workshop on Financial Mathematics: Methods and Applications
    16 - 20 September, Gdańsk

    A. N. Shiryaev, J. Kowalik, W. Marzantowicz,K. Dziedziul, A. Borisovich

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  • 50 Years of Optimal Control
    Conference, 14 - 20 September, Będlewo

    A. Ioffe,K. Malanowski, F. Troeltzsch

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  • 12th ICFEI (International Conference on Functional Equations and Inequalities)
    Conference and workshop, 7 - 14 September

    J. Brzdęk, V. Mityushev, P. Solarz, J. Wiercioch, W. Wilk

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  • Parabolic and Navier Stokes Equations 2008 - in honour of V. A. Solonnikov
    Conference, 31 August - 6 September, Będlewo

    P. Mucha, M. Padula, K. Pileckas, J. Rencławowicz, G. Seregin,W. Zajączkowski

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  • Symplectic Singularities
    Research group, 30 August - 12 September, Warszawa

    W. Domitrz

  • Frobenius Structures and Singularity Theory
    Conference, 24 - 30 August, Będlewo

    B. Dubrovin, S. Janeczko, T. Maszczyk,A. Panasyuk

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  • 11th Workshop: Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis with Application to Probability
    17 - 23 August, Będlewo

    M. Bożejko, A. Buchholz, M. Hinz, I. Królak,A. Krystek, R. Lenczewski, M. Marciniak, W. Młotkowski, R. Sałapata, P. Śniady, Ł. Wojakowski, J. Wysoczański

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  • Formal and Analytic Solutions of Differential Equations
    Conference, 10 - 16 August, Będlewo

    W. Balser,G. Łysik, S. Michalik

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  • Bihamiltonian Structures of Finite and Infinite Dimensions
    Research group, 9 - 24 August, Warszawa

    A. Panasyuk

  • Banach Lie-Poisson spaces and integrable systems
    Research group, 5 - 10 August, Będlewo

    A. Odzijewicz, T. Ratiu, J. Szmigielski

  • 30 Years of Bihamiltonian Systems
    Conference, 3 - 9 August, Będlewo

    M. Błaszak,A. Panasyuk

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  • Hypercomplex Seminar 2008: Foliation Modelling of Hypercomplex Crystal Geometry vs. Randers-Ingarden Structures and Fractals
    26 July - 2 August, Będlewo

    B. Bojarski, L. Kozma,J. Ławrynowicz, S. Marchiafava, Ya. G. Prytula, H. Puszkarski

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  • Inverse Problems for the Helmholtz Equation
    Research group, 21 - 27 July, Warszawa

    T. Regińska, U. Tautenhahn

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  • Dynamical Systems - Geometric Structures and Rigidity
    Workshop, 20 - 26 July, Będlewo

    F. Przytycki, K. Frączek, B. Kalinin, A. Katok, M. Rams

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  • Dynamical Systems - Geometric Structures and Rigidity
    School, 6 - 19 July, Będlewo

    F. Przytycki, K. Frączek, B. Kalinin, A. Katok, M. Rams, A. Zdunik

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  • Probabilistic Methods in Geometry
    Educational workshop, 6 - 12 July, Będlewo

    R. Latała,P. Mankiewicz (chair), K. Oleszkiewicz, A. Pełczyński;
    R. Adamczak, J. Wojtaszczyk, P. Wolff(secretary office)

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  • Dynamical systems - a conference in honour of Michał Misiurewicz on his 60th birthday
    29 June - 5 July, Będlewo

    F. Przytycki, M. Rams, K. Barański

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  • Topics in Geometric Group Theory
    School and conference, 22 - 28 June, Będlewo

    S. R. Gal,D. Osajda

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  • Differential Geometry
    Conference, 22 - 28 June, Będlewo

    B. Opozda,U. Simon, Th. Friedrich, F. Dillen

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  • Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics ESF-MNISW-Banach Center Conference within the framework of the ESF Research Conferences Scheme
    Conference, 15 - 22 June, Będlewo

    J. Janas, P. Kurasov, A. Laptev, S. Naboko

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  • Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Groups 2008
    Miniconference, 2 - 6 June, Warszawa

    P. M. Hajac, N. Higson, R. Meyer

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  • Forum of Differential Equations
    2 - 4 June, Będlewo

    B. Przeradzki

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  • Classical Algebra, Combinatorics and Hoene-Wronski
    Research group, 27 May - 7 June, Warszawa

    Alain Lascoux (Paris),Piotr Pragacz(Warszawa)

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  • 10-th Conference on Probability
    18 - 23 May, Będlewo

    Agnieszka Plucińska,Łukasz Stettner

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  • Spring School of Dynamical Systems 2008
    30 April - 4 May, Będlewo

    K. Frączek,M. Rams

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  • Singularity Theory and Differential Forms
    Research group, 23 April - 5 May

    Wojciech Domitrz, Stanisław Janeczko

  • K-Theory - old and new
    Research group, 21 - 30 April, Warszawa

    P. F. Baum (State College),P. M. Hajac(Warszawa), M. Karoubi (Paris)

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  • The International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference LINSTAT'2008 in celebration of Tadeusz Caliński's 80th birthday
    20 - 26 April, Będlewo

    K. Filipiak(chair), A. Markiewicz (vice-chair), W. Wołyński

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  • Second Workshop on Nonlinearity and Geometry - Darboux Days
    13 - 19 April, Będlewo

    A. Sym (honorary chair), M. Białecki, J. Cieśliński,A. Doliwa, M. Nieszporski

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  • Course on Inverse and Ill-posed Problems - lectures of Andreas Neubauer
    26 - 29 March, Warszawa

    Andreas Neubauer,Teresa Regińska

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  • Credit Risk
    Research group, 28 February - 1 March, Warszawa

    Jerzy Zabczyk

  • Skorokhod Topologies
    Research group, 26 - 28 February, Warszawa

    Jerzy Zabczyk

  • Model-theoretic Methods in the Study of Weak Arithmetic
    Research group, 17 February - 14 March, Warszawa

    Zofia Adamowicz,Leszek Kołodziejczyk

  • Stochastic Equation with Lévy Noise
    Research group, 16 - 31 January, Warszawa

    Jerzy Zabczyk

  • Linear Algebra Workshop
    10 - 15 January, Warszawa

    Jaroslav Zemánek

  • Singularity theory and symplectic geometry
    7 - 19 January, Warszawa

    Wojciech Domitrz

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