Uroczystość wręczenia medalu im. Stefana Banacha Profesorowi Sir Williamowi T. Gowersowi
Uroczystość wręczenia medalu im. Stefana Banacha Profesorowi Sir Williamowi T. Gowersowi
Wykład laureata Combinatorial theorems in sparse random sets
Abstract: In recent years much attention has been given to the general problem of finding analogues of well-known combinatorial theorems where the ground set is not a structured set such as a complete graph but a sparse random subset of such a set. I shall talk about a general method of proving such analogues, and about the critical role that the Hahn-Banach theorem plays in this method. The results are joint work with David Conlon.
Odbędzie się 21 czerwca 2012, godz. 16.00, sala 409 IV piętro