30WRZ 2022

Wykład prof. Mayuko Yamashita

13 października, godz. 14.00, sala 321

Prof. Mayuko Yamashita, laureatka  pierwszego konkursu o nagrodę Marie Curie Skłodowskiej ( organizowanego przez Japanese Science and Technology Agency oraz polską ambasadę w Japonii, wygłosi wykład w Centrum Banacha.

Title: Algebraic topology and physics 

Abstract: Recently, there has been a growing interest in the relations between algebraic topology and physics. Algebraic topology is used to classify physical systems, and it can be a very powerful tool to analyze physical problems in purely mathematical ways. In this talk, I explain this idea and some of my related works, where we use generalized cohomology theories and their differential refinements to classification problems of quantum field theories.

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