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Extending partial isometries of generalized metric spaces

Tom 244 / 2019

Gabriel Conant Fundamenta Mathematicae 244 (2019), 1-16 MSC: Primary 03C13; Secondary 05C12, 05C38. DOI: 10.4064/fm484-9-2018 Opublikowany online: 26 October 2018


We consider generalized metric spaces taking distances in an arbitrary ordered commutative monoid, and investigate when a class $\mathcal {K}$ of finite generalized metric spaces satisfies the Hrushovski extension property: for any $A\in \mathcal {K}$ there is some $B\in \mathcal {K}$ such that $A$ is a subspace of $B$ and any partial isometry of $A$ extends to a total isometry of $B$. We prove the Hrushovski property for the class of finite generalized metric spaces over a semi-archimedean monoid $\mathcal {R}$. When $\mathcal {R}$ is also countable, we use this to show that the isometry group of the Urysohn space over $\mathcal {R}$ has ample generics. Finally, we prove the Hrushovski property for classes of integer distance metric spaces omitting metric triangles of uniformly bounded odd perimeter. As a corollary, given odd $n\geq 3$, we obtain ample generics for the automorphism group of the universal, existentially closed graph omitting cycles of odd length bounded by $n$.


  • Gabriel ConantDepartment of Mathematics
    University of Notre Dame
    Notre Dame, IN 46556, U.S.A.

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