In 1990s Bruin, Keller, Nowicki, and van Strien showed that
smooth unimodal maps
with Fibonacci combinatorics and sufficiently high degree of a critical
point have a wild attractor,
i.e. their metric and topological attractors do not coincide. However,
until now there were
no reasonable estimates on the degree of the critical point needed.
In the talk I will present an approach for studying attractors of maps,
which are periodic points of a renormalization. Using this approach and
rigorous computer estimates,
we show that the Fibonacci map of degree d=3.8 does not have a wild
but that for degree d=5.1 the wild attractor exists.
The talk is based on a joint work with Denis Gaidashev.
Meeting ID: 852 4277 3200 Passcode: 103121