The notion of a higher-order algebroid, as introduced
by Jóźwikowski and Rotkiewicz in Higher-order analogs of Lie
algebroids via vector bundle comorphisms (SIGMA 2018), generalizes
the concepts of a higher-order tangent bundle $T^k M \to M$ and a (Lie) algebroid.
This idea is based on a (vector bundle)
comorphism approach to (Lie) algebroids and the reduction procedure of
homotopies from the level of Lie groupoids to that of Lie algebroids. In
brief, an alternative description of a Lie algebroid $(A, [ , ], \#)$
is a vector bundle comorphism κ, defined as the dual of the
Poisson map from $T^*A$ to $T A^*$ (contraction with the Poisson
bivector) associated with the Lie algebroid $A$. The framework of
comorphisms has proven to be a suitable language for describing higher-order
analogues of Lie algebroids from the perspective of the role
played by (Lie) algebroids in geometric mechanics.
In my talk, I will introduce the notion of higher algebroids and,
drawing from recent preprint [MR2024], explain how to uncover the
classical algebraic structures that underpin the intricate description
of higher-order algebroids via comorphisms. Specifically, in the case
$k=2$, I will demonstrate a one-to-one correspondence between higher-order
Lie algebroids and pairs consisting of a two-term representation (up to
homotopy) of a Lie algebroid and a morphism to the adjoint
representation of that algebroid.
[MR2024], MikoĊaj Rotkiewicz, Exploring the Structure of Higher
Algebroids, 2024, arXiv:2408.02194.