Goursat flags (or: 1-flags) became popular in the second half of the 1990s. Moduli of their local classification were found towards the end of 1997. (The first of them appears in length 8.) In 1999 Kumpera and Rubin had a 60+ pages long draft advertising [special] MULTI-flags (published in a much shortened form only in 2002). The local classification problem for such flags kept being one of the hottest. In 2010 a finite classification in length 4 and a modulus in length 7 were produced. In 2020 the infinitesimal symmetries were (if only recursively) described. Formally only for special 2-flags, but easily generalizable to multi-. In the winter 2023/24 A. Weber implemented those recurrencies in Mathematica, offering an explicit hold on the infinitesimal symmetries of the special 2-flags. That greatly narrowed the field of search for moduli in length 5 and 6. Eventually in July 2024 moduli were found in length 5, in three singularity classes out of $41 = (1/2)(3^{5-1} + 1)$ existing in that length 5.