XXIV International Workshop for Young Mathematicians
- References:
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- ❤️ B. E. Sagan. The Symmetric Group. Springer New York, NY (2001).
- ❤️ P-L. Méliot. Representation Theory of Symmetric Groups. Chapman and Hall/CRC (2017).
- References:
- ❤️ B. E. Sagan. The Symmetric Group. Springer New York, NY (2001).
- ❤️ P-L. Méliot. Representation Theory of Symmetric Groups. Chapman and Hall/CRC (2017).
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- ❤️ P-L. Méliot. Representation Theory of Symmetric Groups. Chapman and Hall/CRC (2017).
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- P. Biane. Approximate factorization and concentration for characters of symmetric groups. Internat. Math. Res. Notices, 4 179–192, 2001.
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- ❤️ P-L. Méliot. Representation Theory of Symmetric Groups. Chapman and Hall/CRC (2017).