Discrete $N$-particle systems at high temperature through Jack generating functions


We find necessary and sufficient conditions for the Law of Large Numbers for random discrete $N$-particle systems with the deformation (inverse temperature) parameter $\theta$, as their size $N$ tends to infinity simultaneously with the inverse temperature going to zero. Our conditions are expressed in terms of the Jack generating functions, and our analysis is based on the asymptotics of the action of Cherednik operators obtained via Hecke relations. We apply the general framework to obtain the LLN for a large class of Markov chains of $N$ nonintersecting particles with interaction of log-gas type, and the LLN for the multiplication of Jack polynomials, as the inverse temperature tends to zero. We express the answer in terms of novel one-parameter deformations of cumulants and their description provided by us recovers previous work by Bufetov–Gorin on quantized free cumulants when $\theta=1$, and by Benaych-Georges–Cuenca–Gorin after a deformation to continuous space of random matrix eigenvalues. Our methods are robust enough to be applied to the fixed temperature regime, where we recover the LLN of Huang.
