In the academic year 2012/13, Seminar IMPANGA meets twice per month for a one day session on Friday, with two 60 min. talks:

I. 10:30-11:30 (+ discussion) 
II. 12:45
-13:45 (+ discussion).

A standard venue of the seminar is Room 403 at IM PAN, Śniadeckich 8, in Warsaw.

The seminar is directed by

Jarek Buczyński
  and  Piotr Pragacz (chair).

See you then at  IMPANGA!


In December 2013, IMPANGA shall host Izzet Coskun (Chicago). He will deliver a series of lectures in the framework of the Research Group "Schubert calculus". The venue of this Research Group will be Banach Center in Warsaw, and its time will be December 10-14.



Almost new!

There will be a workshop on Linear Systems hold at the Banach Center in Warsaw 22-28 September, 2013.
This workshop is part of IMPANGA activities.

The topics of the research groups and talks will ideally be centered around the various versions of Nagata's conjecture. In particular, they could include but will  not be restricted to:

- study of Mori cones of blow-ups of  projective spaces,
- containment relations for symbolic and usual powers of ideals,
- relations between Okounkov bodies and various invariants attached to linear series.

Tomasz Szemberg

Here you will find more details:

Workshop Okounkov Bodies and Nagata type Conjectures


October 5

impanga 249

1. Jarek Buczyński: Complex contact manifolds: LeBrun-Salamon conjecture and generalisations

2. Grzegorz Kapustka: On the O'Grady conjecture

October 19

impanga 250

1. Jesse Kass (South Carolina/Hannover): Two ways of degenerating the Jacobian are the same.

2. Jesse Kass: continuation

November 16 impanga 251

1. Elisa Postinghel (Oslo / IM PAN): Secant varieties of Segre-Veronese varieties

2.  Karol Palka: Rectifiability of cuspidal curves I

November 23 impanga 252

1. Weronika Buczyńska: Secant and cactus varieties of Veronese embeddings

2. Karol Palka: Rectifiability of cuspidal curves II

December 7  impanga 253

1. Sofia Tirabassi  (Roma / MIM UW) : Pluricanonical maps of irregular varieties

2. Marcin Dumnicki: Symbolic versus ordinary powers

December 14 impanga 254

December 17-19 impanga 255-7

1. Piotr Karwasz (Gdańsk):Spectrum and Jordan-Holder decomposition of (a,b)-modules

2. Piotr Blass  (Boynton Beach, USA): The influence of Oscar Zariski on algebraic geometry

Workshop  "Modular curves" at the Banach Center in Warsaw organized by Przemysław Chojecki and Adrian Langer
The web subpage by the organizers.

January 11

impanga 258

1. Zach Teitler (Boise, USA): Geometric bounds for ranks of polynomials

2. Piotr Karwasz: Non-commutative Hodge structures

January 25

impanga 259

1.Tomasz Szemberg:  Nagata type conjectures

2. Tomasz Szemberg: continuation

February 22 

impanga 260

1. Halszka Tutaj-Gasińska: "Fattening effects" (Efekty 'grubienia')

2. Sławomir Cynk: Picard-Fuchs operator for certain double octic Calabi-Yau threefolds

March 8

impanga 261

1. Thomas Peternell (Bayreuth): Singular varieties with trivial canonical classes

2. Thomas Peternell: Singular varieties with vanishing second Chern class

March 22

impanga 262

1. Ada Boralevi (Trieste/IMPAN):  Spaces of matrices of constant rank and instanton bundles

2. Stefano Urbinati (Utah/MIMUW): Weil divisors on normal varieties

April 12

impanga 263

1. Piotr Pragacz: Some theorems on Schubert varieties I

2. Michał Kapustka (Zurich):   Calabi-Yau threefolds in P^6

April 26

impanga 264

1. Piotr Pragacz: Some theorems on Schubert varieties II

2. Laurent Gruson (Versailles): Vinberg theta-groups and
embeddings of abelian varieties

May 10

Impanga 265

1. Vladimir Lazic  (Bayreuth): The automorphism groups of Calabi-Yau varieties and the Cone conjecture

2. Vladimir Lazic: continuation

Since in the 2nd half of May there are several conferences, which
will be attended by the  participants of our seminar, the last Impanga seminar in the academic year 2012/2013  is  that on May 10.

After summer holidays, the seminar will restart in the last
week of September with the workshop

Okounkov Bodies and Nagata type Conjectures