Some of my trips in the past (some links expired):

      The University of Tokyo:
Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry
  February 15-18, 2012

Osaka City University:  Math.Soc.Jap.Seas.Inst.5: SCHUBERT CALCULUS  July 17-27, 2012

RIMS at Kyoto University:  MSJ SI 6: DEVELOPMENT OF MODULI THEORY  June 11-21, 2013

Algebraic Geometry Session of the DMV-PTM meeting  
Poznan, September 17-20, 2014

Kinosaki Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Kinosaki Onsen, October 20-24, 2014

In 2015:

The last two weeks of March: Japan, mainly 
The University of Tokyo

April 12-18: Conference  IMPANGA 15  (poster)  and a 
session  ,  Banach Center, Bedlewo near Poznan

The last two weeks of May:
Special Trimester of Algebraic Geometry   at IMPA,
Rio de Janeiro

The third week of 
November:  Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and its Applications 
Higher School of Economics
, Moscow

In 2016:

March 7: Jagiellonian University, History of Mathematics Seminar

April 8-May 7:
The University of Tokyo: AG RT ;   RIMS ,   AG Kyoto University , Okayama University of Science

June 12-18:
Varieties with K=0, BC Bedlewo, poster

October 17: Jagiellonian University, Algebraic Geometry Seminar

November 7-12: The Hodge Institute in Edinburgh and Michael Atiyah

November 30: The University of Poznan, Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry Seminar

December 4-9: Toronto

In 2017:
May 5: The Jankowski Lecture and Impanga Seminar at the University of Gdansk

May 24/June 6: 2 weeks at Accademia Peloritana in Messina (talks also in Torino and Palermo)

October 2: Jagiellonian University, Algebraic Geometry Seminar; K. Rusek 70th birthday talk

November 6-10:  International Festival in Schubert Calculus, Guangzhou (Kanton)

In 2018:

April 23: Analytic Geometry Seminar at Jagiellonian University

April 23-24: Algebraic Geometry Conference at UP in Krakow

May 18: The Jankowski Lecture  and Impanga Seminar at the University of Gdansk

June 4: Seminar at Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest

 October 1-5 
Conference: "Geometry, Local and Global" in honour of
V. Srinivas, TIFR Mumbai

October 3: Algebra Seminar at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

November 8: Algebraic Geometry Seminar at the University of Szczecin

December 7: Impanga Seminar at IMPAN in Krakow

December 17-20: Algebraic Geometry Conference in honour of T. Katsura,
the University of Tokyo

In 2019:

April 4-5: XV Szczecin Mathematical Colloquium: a talk on flag bundles, Segre polynomials
and integrals.

April 29-May 3:
Conference: "Real and complex singularities" in honour of A. Parusiński,
Institute Cargese (Corsica): a talk on the order of tangency.

June 17-19:  The "Gdańsk-Kraków-Łódź-Warszawa Seminar in Singularity Theory":
a talk on the order of contact.

June 30-July 6:  Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina: a talk on Gysin formulas
for flag bundles and a talk on order of tangency.
July 2: University Reggio Calabria: a talk on Schubert bundles and new formulas for
Schubert classes.

July 30:
The University of Łódź: discussions with T. Krasiński on Łojasiewicz exponents.

October 1-12:  RIMS, Kyoto University 
October 11: Algebraic Geometry Seminar: a talk on flag bundles, Segre polynomials, and

October 9-10: Okayama University of Science: a talk on the order of contact.

November 10-23: Sapienza University of Rome: Algebra and Geometry Seminar,
a minicourse "Gysin formulas for homogeneous spaces" including new formulas for
Schubert classes, and a talk on the order of tangency.