Rozmiar: 71802 bajtów

Adam Skalski                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Old teaching materials (mostly in Polish)
Full Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific Matters                                                                                                                                                             How I work
Institute of Mathematics
Polish Academy of Sciences
Member of the Executive Committee of the European Mathematical Society

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Address: Institute of Mathematics
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Śniadeckich 8
00-656 Warszawa
E-mail: a.skalski at
Page contents: Research interests
Conference plans
PhD students
Published papers
Various mathematical writings
A short CV
Doctoral thesis
Research interests:
  • topological quantum groups, quantum symmetry groups
  • probability and harmonic analysis on quantum groups
  • topological entropy and approximation properties for von Neumann and C*-algebras
  • quantum stochastic processes
  • noncommutative measure theory (ergodic limit theorems)
  • noncommutative Lp-spaces

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Conferences/meetings/research trips planned:

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My PhD students:

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I am an editor of:

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Published papers:
  1. On the unconditional bundle convergence in L2-space over a von Neumann algebra, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 22 (2002), pp. 19-27 (MR1944140).
  2. A few results in noncommutative ergodic theory (with V.I. Chilin and S. Litvinov), Journal of Operator Theory, 53 (2005) no.2, 331-350 (MR2153152).
  3. Quantum stochastic convolution cocycles I (with J.M. Lindsay), Annales de l`Institute Henri Poincarî, Probabilités et Statistiques, 41 (2005) no.3 (En homage a P.-A. Meyer), 581-604 (MR2139034) .
  4. On a classical scheme in noncommutative multiparameter ergodic theory, in "Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis," QP-PQ 18, (M. Schurmann & U. Franz, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore 2005, pp. 473-491 (available here).
  5. Quantum stochastic convolution cocycles - algebraic and C*-algebraic (with J.M. Lindsay), Banach Center Publications, 73 (2006), 313-324 (MR2423137).
  6. On quantum stochastic differential equations (with J.M. Lindsay), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 330 (2007), no.2, 1093-1114 (available here).
  7. Completely positive quantum stochastic convolution cocycles and their dilations, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 143 (2007), 201-219 (an earlier version available here).
  8. Entropy of shifts in higher rank graph C*-algebras (with J. Zacharias), Houston Journal of Mathematics, 34 (2008), no.1, 269-282 (available here).
  9. Wold decomposition for representations of product systems of C*-correspondences (with J.Zacharias), International Journal of Mathematics, 19 (2008), no.4, 455-479 (an earlier version available here).
  10. The Banach Principle for ideal convergence in the classical and noncommutative context (with G.Horbaczewska), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 342 (2008), no.2, 1332-1341 (an earlier version available here).
  11. Quantum stochastic convolution cocycles II (with J.M. Lindsay), Communications in Mathematical Physics, 280 (2008), no.3, 575-610 (an earlier version available here).
  12. On ergodic properties of convolution operators associated with compact quantum groups (with U.Franz), Colloquium Mathematicum, 113 (2008), no.3, 13-23 (an earlier version available here).
  13. Approximation of quantum Levy processes by quantum random walks (with U.Franz), Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences, 118 (2008), no.2, 281-288 (available via the journal's website).
  14. Noncommutative topological entropy of endomorphisms of Cuntz algebras (with J.Zacharias), Letters in Mathematical Physics , 86 (2008), no.2, 115-134 (an earlier version available here).
  15. On spectral triples and quasidiagonality (with J.Zacharias), Expositiones Mathematicae, 27 (2009), no.2, 137-141 (available here).
  16. On idempotent states on quantum groups (with U.Franz), Journal of Algebra, 322 (2009), no.5, 1774-1802 (an earlier version available here).
  17. A new characterisation of idempotent states on finite and compact quantum groups (with U.Franz), Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 347 (2009), no.17-18, 991-996 (expanded version available here).
  18. On isometric dilations of product systems of C*-correspondences and applications to families of contractions associated to higher-rank graphs, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 58 (2009), no.5, 2227-2252 (an earlier version available here).
  19. On approximation properties of Pimsner algebras and crossed products by Hilbert bimodules (with J.Zacharias), Rocky Mountains Journal of Mathematics, 40 (2010), no.2, 609-625 (an earlier version available here).
  20. Poisson transform on higher rank graph algebras and its applications (with J.Zacharias), Journal of Operator Theory, 63 (2010), no.2, 425-454 (an earlier version available here).
  21. Quantum isometry groups of noncommutative manifolds associated to group C*-algebras (with J.Bhowmick), Journal of Geometry and Physics, 60 (2010), no.10, 1474-1489 (an earlier version available here).
  22. Approximation properties and entropy estimates for crossed products by actions of amenable discrete quantum groups (with J.Zacharias), Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 82 (2010), no.1, 184-202 (an earlier version available here).
  23. Probability on topological quantum groups (in Polish), Wiadomosci Matematyczne 46 (2010), no.2, 163-196.
  24. Quantum isometry groups of 0-dimensional manifolds (with J.Bhowmick and D.Goswami), Transactions of AMS, 363 (2011), 901-921 (an earlier version available here).
  25. Convolution semigroups of states (with J.M.Lindsay), Mathematische Zeitschrift 267 (2011), 325-339 (an earlier version available here).
  26. Two-parameter families of quantum symmetry groups (with T.Banica), Journal of Functional Analysis 260 (2011), no.11, 3252-3282 (available here).
  27. On automorphisms of C*-algebras whose Voiculescu entropy is genuinely noncommutative, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31 (2011), 951-954 (an earlier version available here).
  28. Noncommutative topological entropy of endomorphisms of Cuntz algebras II, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 47 (2011), 887-896 (an earlier version available here).
  29. On Invariant MASAs for Endomorphisms of the Cuntz Algebras (with J.H.Hong and W.Szymański), Indiana University Mathematics Journal 59 (2010), no.6, 1873-1892 (an earlier version available here).
  30. A vacuum-adapted approach to quantum Feynman-Kac formulae (with A. Belton and J.M.Lindsay), Communications in Stochastic Analysis 6 (2012), no.1 (Special issue dedicated to Professor K.R.Parthasarathy), 95-109 (an earlier version available here).
  31. Quantum stochastic convolution cocycles III (with J.M.Lindsay), Mathematische Annalen 352 (2012), no.4, 779-804 (an earlier version available here).
  32. Noncommutative homogeneous spaces: the matrix case (with T. Banica and P.Sołtan), Journal of Geometry and Physics 62 (2012), no.6, 1451-1466 (an earlier version available here).
  33. Idempotent states and the inner linearity property (with T.Banica and U.Franz), Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 60 (2012), 123-132 (an earlier version available here).
  34. Quantum isometry groups of duals of free powers of cyclic groups (with T.Banica), International Mathematics Research Notices 9 (2012), no.6, 2094-2122 (an earlier version available here).
  35. On square roots of the Haar state on compact quantum groups (with U.Franz and R.Tomatsu), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 216 (2012), 2079-2093 (an earlier version available here).
  36. Closed quantum subgroups of locally compact quantum groups (with M.Daws, P. Kasprzak and P.Sołtan), Advances in Mathematics 231 (2012), 3473-3501 (an earlier version available here).
  37. Idempotent states on locally compact quantum groups (with P.Salmi), Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 63 (2012), no. 4, 1009-1032 (an earlier version available here).
  38. On two possible constructions of the quantum semigroup of all quantum permutations of an infinite countable set, (with D.Goswami), Banach Center Publications 98 (2012), 199-214 (an earlier version available here).
  39. Idempotent states on the compact quantum groups and their classification on Uq(2), SUq(2), and SOq(3) (with U.Franz and R.Tomatsu), Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 7 (2013), no.1, 221-254 (an earlier version available here).
  40. Quantum symmetry groups of C*-algebras equipped with orthogonal filtrations (with T. Banica), Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 106 (2013), no.5, 980-1004 (an earlier version available here).
  41. Quantum random walk approximation on locally compact quantum groups (with J.M.Lindsay), Letters in Mathematical Physics 103 (2013), no.7, 765-775 (an earlier version available here).
  42. Inclusions of ternary rings of operators and conditional expectations (with P.Salmi), Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 155 (2013), no.3, 475-482 (an earlier version available here).
  43. On spectral triples on crossed products arising from equicontinuous actions (with A.Hawkins, S.White and J.Zacharias), Mathematica Scandinavica, 113 (2013), no.2, 262-291 (an earlier version available here).
  44. Quantum Feynman-Kac perturbations (with A. Belton and J.M.Lindsay), Journal of the London Mathematical Society 89 (2014) no.1, 275-300 (an earlier version available here).
  45. Contractive idempotents on locally compact quantum groups (with M.Neufang, P.Salmi and N.Spronk), Indiana University Mathematics Journal 62 (2013), no.6, 1983-2002 (an earlier version available here).
  46. Generalisations of the Haagerup approximation property to arbitrary von Neumann algebras (with M.Caspers, R.Okayasu and R.Tomatsu), Comptes Rendus Mathematique 252 (2014), 507-510 (an earlier version available here).
  47. Projective limits of quantum symmetry groups and the doubling construction for Hopf algebras (with P.Sołtan), Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 17 (2014), no.2, 1450012, 27 pages (an earlier version available here).
  48. Quantum group of automorphisms of a finite quantum group (with J.Bhowmick and P.Sołtan), Journal of Algebra 423 (2015), 514-537, an earlier version available here.
  49. The quantum algebra of partial Hadamard matrices (with T.Banica), Linear Algebra and its Applications 469 (2015), 364-380, an earlier version available here.
  50. The Haagerup property for von Neumann algebras via quantum Markov semigroups and Dirichlet forms (with M.Caspers), Communications in Mathematical Physics 336 (2015), no.3, 1637-1664, an earlier version available here.
  51. One-to-one correspondence between generating functionals and cocycles on quantum groups in presence of symmetry (with B.Das, U.Franz and A.Kula), Mathematische Zeitschrift 281 (2015), no.3-4, 949-965, an earlier version available here.
  52. The Haagerup property for arbitrary von Neumann algebras (with M.Caspers), International Mathematics Research Notices 19 (2015), no.6, 9857-9887 (an earlier version available here).
  53. The Haagerup property for locally compact quantum groups (with M.Daws, P.Fima and S.White), Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 711 (2016), 189-229, an earlier version available here.
  54. Quantum families of invertible maps and related problems (with P.Sołtan), Canadian Journal of Mathematics 68 (2016), no.3, 698-720, an earlier version available here.
  55. Lévy Processes on Quantum Permutation Groups (with U.Franz and A.Kula), Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 252 (2016), no.3, 193-259 (an earlier version available here).
  56. Open quantum subgroups of locally compact quantum groups (with M.Kalantar and P.Kasprzak), Advances in Mathematics 303 (2016), no.3, 322-359 (an earlier version available here).
  57. Integration over the quantum diagonal subgroup and associated Fourier-like algebras (with U.Franz and H.H.Lee), International Journal of Mathematics 27 (2016), no.9, 1650073, 37 pp. (an earlier version available here).
  58. Introduction to compact and discrete quantum groups (with U.Franz and P.Sołtan), Banach Center Publications 111 (2017), 9-31 (an earlier version available here).
  59. Around Property (T) for quantum groups (with M.Daws and A.Viselter), Communications in Mathematical Physics 353 (2017), no.1, 69–118 (an earlier version available here).
  60. The canonical central exact sequence for locally compact quantum groups (with P.Kasprzak and P.Sołtan), Mathematische Nachrichten 290 (2017), no.8-9, 1303-1316 (an earlier version available here).
  61. Idempotent states on locally compact quantum groups II (with P.Salmi), Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 68 (2017), no.2, 421-431 (an earlier version available here).
  62. Actions of locally compact (quantum) groups on ternary rings of operators, their crossed products and generalized Poisson boundaries (with P.Salmi), Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 57 (2017), no.3, 667-691 (an earlier version available here).
  63. Wreath products of finite groups by quantum groups (with A.Freslon), Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 12 (2018), no.1, 29-68 (an earlier version available here).
  64. Remarks on factoriality and q-deformations (with S.Wang), Proceedings of the AMS 146 (2018), no.9, 3813-3823 (an earlier version available here).
  65. Quantum actions on discrete quantum spaces and a generalization of Clifford's theory of representations (with K.De Commer, P.Kasprzak and P.Sołtan), Israel Journal of Mathematics 226 (2018), no.1, 475-503 (an earlier version available here).
  66. Lévy-Khintchine decompositions for generating functionals on universal CQG-algebras (with B.Das, U.Franz and A.Kula), IDAQP 21 (2018), no.3, 1850017, 36 pages, (an earlier version available here).
  67. Positive Herz-Schur multipliers and approximation properties of crossed products (with A.McKee, I.Todorov and L.Turowska) Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 165 (2018), no.3, 511-532 (an earlier version available here).
  68. Convolution semigroups on locally compact quantum groups and noncommutative Dirichlet forms (with A.Viselter), Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 124 (2019), 59-105 (an earlier version available here).
  69. Quantum symmetries of the twisted tensor products of C*-algebras (with J.Bhowmick, A.Mandal and S.Roy), Communications in Mathematical Physics 368 (2019), no.3, 1051-1085 (an earlier version available here).
  70. On C*-completions of discrete quantum group rings (with M.Caspers), Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 51 (2019), no.4, 691-704 (an earlier version available here).
  71. On MASAs in q-deformed von Neumann algebras (with M.Caspers and M.Wasilewski), Pacific Journal of Mathematics 302 (2019), no.1, 1-21 (an earlier version available here).
  72. Induction for locally compact quantum groups revisited (with M.Kalantar, P.Kasprzak and P.Sołtan), Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A 150 (2020), no. 2, 1071–1093 (an earlier version available here).
  73. Quantum Dirichlet forms and their recent applications, in Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVII. Trends in Mathematics, 2019, pp. 246-254, Birkhäuser, Cham.
  74. Generating functionals for locally compact quantum groups (with A.Viselter, 24 pp.), International Mathematics Research Notices (2021), no. 14, 10981–11009 (an earlier version available here).
  75. On the Baum--Connes conjecture for discrete quantum groups with torsion and the quantum Rosenberg Conjecture (with Y.Arano), Proceeedings of the AMS 149 (2021), no. 12, 5237–5254 (an earlier version available here).
  76. Maximal subgroups and von Neumann subalgebras with the Haagerup property (with Y.Jiang), Groups, Geometry and Dynamics 15 (2021), no. 3, 849-892 (an earlier version available here).
  77. Fixed points and limits of convolution powers of contractive quantum measures (with M.Neufang, P.Salmi and N.Spronk), Indiana University Mathematics Journal 70 (2021), no. 5, 1971-2009 (an earlier version available here).
  78. The RFD and KAC quotients of the Hopf *-algebras of universal orthogonal quantum groups (with B.Das and U.Franz), Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal 28 (2021), no. 2, 141-155 (an earlier version available here).
  79. The Haagerup property for twisted groupoid dynamical systems (with B.Kwaśniewski and K.Li), Journal of Functional Analysis 283 (2022), no. 1, Paper no. 109484, 43 pp. (an earlier version available here).
  80. Noncommutative Furstenberg boundary (with M.Kalantar, P.Kasprzak and R.Vergnioux), Analysis and PDE 15 (2022), no. 3, 795-842 (an earlier version available here).
  81. Classifying right-angled Hecke C*-algebras via K-theoretic invariants (with S.Raum), Advances in Mathematics 407 (2022), Paper No. 108559, 24 pp. (an earlier version available here).
  82. Connectedness and Gaussian parts for compact quantum groups (with U. Franz and A. Freslon), Journal of Geometry and Physics 184 (2023), Paper No. 104710, 18 pp. (an earlier version available here).
  83. Hecke algebras and the Schlichting completion for discrete quantum groups (with C. Voigt and R. Vergnioux), Journal of the LMS 107 (2023), no. 3, 843-885 (an earlier version available here).
  84. Factorial multiparameter Hecke von Neumann algebras and representations of groups acting on right-angled buildings (with S.Raum), Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 172 (2023), 265-298 (an earlier version available here).
  85. Relative Haagerup property for arbitrary von Neumann algebras (with M. Caspers, M. Klisse, G. Vos and M. Wasilewski), Advances in Mathematics 421 (2023), Paper No. 109017, 61 pp. (an earlier version available here).
  86. Second cohomology groups of the Hopf *-algebras associated to universal unitary quantum groups (with B.Das, U.Franz and A.Kula), Annales de l'Institut Fourier 73 (2023), no.2, 479-509 (an earlier version available here).
  87. Full solution of the factoriality question for q-Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras via conjugate variables (with M.Kumar and M.Wasilewski), Communications in Mathematical Physics 402 (2023), 157-167 (an earlier version available here).
  88. Convolution semigroups on Rieffel deformations of locally compact quantum groups (with A.Viselter), Letters in Mathematical Physics 114 (2024), no. 2, Paper No. 52 (an earlier version available here).

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  1. Coupling capacity in C*-algebras (with I.Todorov and L.Turowska, 19 pp.), Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A , to appear (an earlier version available here).
  2. Separation properties for positive-definite functions on locally compact quantum groups and for associated von Neumann algebras (with J.Krajczok, 24 pp.), Selecta Mathematica , to appear (an earlier version available here).
  3. RFD property for groupoid C*-algebras of amenable groupoids and for crossed products by amenable actions (with T.Shulman, 37 pp.), available here.
  4. Fourier-Stieltjes category for twisted groupoid actions (with A.Buss, B.Kwaśniewski and A.McKee, 76 pp.), available here.
  5. Tracial central states on compact quantum groups (with A.Freslon and S. Wang, 29 pp.), available here.
  6. Gaussian generating functionals on easy quantum groups (with U.Franz and A.Freslon, 23 pp.), available here.
  7. Asymptotic invariants for fusion algebras associated with compact quantum groups (with J.Krajczok, 39 pp.), available here.
  8. A quantum Frucht's theorem and quantum automorphisms of quantum Cayley graphs (with M.Brannan, D.Gromada, J.Matsuda and M.Wasilewski, 32 pp.), available here.

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Various writings:

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A short CV: Born: 31.01.1978
2000 MSc in Mathematics, University of Łódź
2002 MSc in Physics, University of Łódź
2006 PhD in Mathematics, University of Nottingham
2013 Habilitation in Mathematics, Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
2019 Professor of Mathematics
Previous positions:
2000-2004 Assistant Pre-Doc, Department of Mathematics, University of Łódź
2004-2005 PhD student, University of Nottingham
I-VII 2006 Research Associate, Lancaster University
VIII 2006 - VII 2007 EPSRC Research Fellow, University of Nottingham
X-XI 2009 Short Term JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, Tokyo University
VIII 2007 - IX 2010 EPSRC Post-Doctoral Fellow, Lancaster University
X 2010 - IX 2012 Intra-European Marie Curie Fellow, Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
X 2012 - IX 2015 Assistant Professor, joint position at the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences and University of Warsaw
X 2014 - XII 2014 Professeur Invité CNRS, Université Franche-Comté, Besançon
Full CV

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Doctoral thesis: My thesis, `Quantum stochastic convolution cocycles', was concerned with a generalisation of the theory of quantum Lévy processes on algebraic *-bialgebras to the context of compact quantum groups, or, more generally, C*-bialgebras. It was written under supervision of Martin Lindsay, submitted to the University of Nottingham in December 2005 and defended on the 28th July 2006.

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Links: My (current) collaborators (who happen to have websites):
Yuki Arano
Teodor Banica
Alex Belton
Michael Brannan
Martijn Caspers
Matt Daws
Pierre Fima
Uwe Franz
Amaury Freslon
Daniel Gromada
Yongle Jiang
Mehrdad Kalantar
Paweł Kasprzak
Mario Klisse
Jacek Krajczok
Manish Kumar
Anna Kula
Bartosz Kwaśniewski
Kang Li
Martin Lindsay
Sven Raum
Sutanu Roy
Pekka Salmi
Piotr Sołtan
Nico Spronk
Ivan Todorov
Reiji Tomatsu
Lyudmila Turowska
Roland Vergnioux
Ami Viselter
Christian Voigt
Mateusz Wasilewski
Stuart White
Joachim Zacharias

Institutions I am/have been related to:
Department of Mathematics, University of Łódź
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University
Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw
Département de mathématiques Université Franche-Comté, Besançon

Daily tools and readings:

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Last updated by: ® Adam Skalski 2025-03-17