The objective of the workshop is to bring together the leading experts in differential equations in the complex domain, special functions, summability theory, asymptotic analysis, isomonodromy deformations and Riemann-Hilbert problems, in order to discuss recent progresses and open questions. Some lectures will be general overviews for young researchers. In particular we plan two courses: Symbolic methods for solving systems of linear ordinary differential equations and Asymptotic expansion and theory of summability. Moreover, some talks will be devoted to applications, particularly the analytic theory of Frobenius manifolds and quantum cohomology.

See also the official webpage of the workshop at CRM.

The main topics:

The Organizers offer some grants for PhD students, which cover costs of participation in the workshop (excluding travel costs). The applicants are kindly asked to send their CV to the Organizers (e-mail or e-mail) by November 30, 2016. The decisions will be sent promptly.

The conference is co-financed by: