Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. MathematicsISSN: 0239-7269(p) 1732-8985(e)

The Bulletin publishes concise papers in English in all areas of mathematics. Each paper has to be recommended by a member of the Editorial Board.

The following criteria are taken into account in the reviewing procedure: correctness, mathematical level, mathematical novelty, language and editorial aspects. The Editors have adopted appropriate procedures to avoid ghostwriting and guest authorship. The list of reviewers is published biannually here. The paper version is considered as primary.

The Bulletin follows the standards for Ethics and Publication Malpractice
set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and available at


Papers should be concise, contain unpublished original material, be written in English, and prepared using any version of TeX. On the proof stage, the author will be asked to sign the copyright transfer agreement.

Manuscripts in the form of PDF files should be submitted here. You are also welcome to contact us by email for more information. On acceptance of the paper, the authors will also be asked to transmit the source file.

Recommended format of manuscripts: 12-point type (including references), text width 13.5 cm.

A template file
The amsart style: IMPAN-amsart.tex, IMPAN-amsart.pdf
The article style: IMPAN-article.tex, IMPAN-article.pdf

A summary of not more than 200 words, the 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification and a list of key words and phrases are required.

Figures must be prepared in electronic form, suitable for direct reproduction. The use of very thin lines should be avoided.

References should be arranged in alphabetical order, and styled and punctuated according to the examples given below. Abbreviations of journal names should follow Mathematical Reviews.


[6]  D. Beck, Introduction to Dynamical Systems, Vol. 2, Progr. Math. 54, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1978.
[7]  R. Hill and A. James, A new index formula, J. Differential Equations 15 (1982), 197--211.
[8]  J. Kowalski, Some remarks on J(X), in: Algebra and Analysis (Edmonton, 1973), E. Brook (ed.), Lecture Notes in Math. 867, Springer, Berlin, 1974, 115--124.
[Nov]  A. S. Novikov, An existence theorem for planar graphs, preprint, Moscow Univ., 1980 (in Russian).

Authors' affiliation should be given.

The proofs will be sent electronically to the corresponding author. Corrections at proof stage must be kept to a minimum.

The Online First version of the article will be sent to the author and published on the journal's web site before the article is assigned to an issue. This version will be freely downloadable for everybody. The author is allowed to post the “Online First” version to his/her personal web site and to any other archives.

When the paper is assigned to an issue, the final print file with all publication data included will also be sent to the author. The latter file will be for the author's personal use only and should not appear on any web site other than IMPAN’s.

Authors retain the right to distribute their author accepted manuscript under a CC-BY license.

The article  can also be published in Open Access (that is, with the final print file also freely downloadable) upon paying a fee of 400 euros. The decision should be communicated at the proof stage; the appropriate invoice will then be sent to the author.

Address of the Editorial Office:

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics
ul. Śniadeckich 8
00-656 Warszawa, Poland

For additional information and advice, see Guidelines for authors.

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