paper |
abstract |
presentation |
1 |
Dirk Becherer |
Imperial College London |
2 |
Tomasz Bielecki |
3 |
Alexander Cherny |
Department of Probability Theory, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University |
4 |
Mark Davis |
Imperial College London |
5 |
Giulia Di Nunno |
CMA and Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway |
6 |
Tyrone Duncan |
University of Kansas |
7 |
Damir Filipovic |
Department of Mathematics, University of Munich, Germany |
8 |
Hans Föllmer |
9 |
Rudiger Frey |
Department of Mathematics, Universität Leipzig |
10 |
Marco Frittelli |
11 |
Fausto Gozzi |
12 |
Lane Hughston |
Department of Mathematics, King's College London |
13 |
Peter Imkeller |
14 |
Farshid Jamshidian |
FELAB, University of Twente |
15 |
Monique Jeanblanc |
University of Evry |
16 |
Claudia Kluppelberg |
Munich University of Technology |
17 |
Hayri Korezlioglu |
Middle East Technical University-IAM |
18 |
Holger Kraft |
University of Kaiserslautern |
19 |
Damien Lamberton |
University of Marne la Vallée |
20 |
Hideo Nagai |
Osaka University |
21 |
Roberto Natalini |
22 |
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan |
23 |
Eckhard Platen |
University of Technology Sydney |
24 |
Maurizio Pratelli |
Dipartimento di Matematica. Universita di Pisa |
25 |
Miklós Rásonyi |
Computer and Automation Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary and Vienna University of
Technology |
26 |
Alexander Schied |
TU Berlin |
27 |
Thorsten Schmidt |
University of Leipzig |
28 |
Uwe Schmock |
Vienna University of Technology |
29 |
Torsten Schöneborn |
Technical University Berlin, Deutsche Bank Quantitative Products Laboratory |
30 |
Christoph Schwab |
31 |
Martin Schweizer |
ETH Zürich |
32 |
Tommi Sottinen |
University of Helsinki, Department of Mathematics and Statistics |
33 |
Peter Spreij |
Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, Universiteit van Amsterdam |
34 |
Agnès Sulem |
INRIA-Rocquencourt, France |
35 |
Josef Teichmann |
36 |
Nizar Touzi |
37 |
Johan Tysk |
Dept of Mathematics, Uppsala University, Sweden |
38 |
Michele Vanmaele |
Ghent University |
39 |
George Yin |
Wayne State University |
40 |
Mihail Zervos |
London School of Economics |