Risk Theory and Related Topics. EMS School in Applied Mathematics.
Risk Theory and Related Topics. EMS School in Applied Mathematics.
Risk Theory and Related Topics. EMS School in Applied Mathematics.

Program of the School

Monday, Sept. 29th
  • 9-9.15 Opening of the School
  • 9.15-11 M. Jeanblanc
  • 11.30-13 E. Platen
  • 15-17 Z. Landsman
  • Grill party
Tuesday, Sept. 30th
  • 9-11 E. Platen
  • 11.30-13 M. Jeanblanc
  • 15-17 E. Platen
  • 19-20.30 Poster session
Wednesday, Oct. 1st
  • 9-11 Z. Landsman
  • 11.30-13 T. Duncan
  • 15-17 M. Jeanblanc
  • 19.00 Mathematics of finance: recent progress and its future; round table discussion
Thursday, Oct. 2nd
  • Excursion in the morning
  • 16-18 W. Szatschneider
  • Grill party
Friday, Oct. 3rd
  • 9-11 Z. Landsman
  • 11.30-13 B. Pasik Duncan
  • 15-17 P. Embrechts
  • 19-20.30 Poster session
Saturday, Oct. 4th
  • 9-11 P. Embrechts
  • 11.30-13 A. Palczewski
  • 15-17 W. Szatschneider
  • School Dinner
Sunday, Oct. 5th
  • 15-17 P. Embrechts
Monday, Oct. 6th
  • 9-11 J. Jakubowski
  • 11.30-13 A. Palczewski
  • 15-17 £. Stettner
Tuesday, Oct. 7th
  • 9-11 J. Jakubowski
  • 11.30-13 £. Stettner
  • 15-16 £. Stettner
  • 16-17 A. Palczewski
  • Grill party
Wednesday, Oct. 8th
  • 9-10.30 J. Jakubowski
  • 10.30-11.00 Closing of the school

Plenary lectures: titles and the scopes

I Paul Embrechts ETH Zurich

Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools

  1. The basics of QRM
  2. Modelling of extremes
  3. Modelling dependence beyond linear correlation
  4. Applications to the modelling of operational risk
II Zinoviy Landsman University of Haifa

Risk measures and portfolio management

  1. Translation invariant and positive homogeneous risk measures (TIPH)
  2. VaR, and Tail VaR
  3. Multivariate elliptical family
  4. Tail Standard Deviation and Tail covariance
  5. Capital allocation with Tail VaR
  6. Minimization of the root of quadratic and related functionals
  7. Optimal portfolio selection with TIPH and other risk measures
III Monique Jeanblanc University of Evry

Credit risk modelling

The goal of these lectures is to present a survey of recent developments in the area of mathematical modelling of credit risk. Credit risk, embedded in a financial transaction, is the risk that at least one of the parties involved in the transaction will suffer a financial loss due to default or decline in the creditworthiness of either the counter-party to the transaction or some reference credit name.

IV Eckhard Platen Technical University Sydney

A Benchmark Approach to Quantitative Finance

This series of lectures introduces into the benchmark approach, which provides a general framework for financial market modelling. It allows for a unified treatment of derivative pricing, portfolio optimization and risk management. It extends beyond the classical asset pricing theories, with significant differences emerging for long dated derivative products and risk measures.

Additional lectures

I Tyrone Duncan University of Kansas

Fractional Brownian motion, an introduction

II Jacek Jakubowski University of Warsaw

Selected topics in risk theory

  1. Deviation measures in risk analysis
  2. Capital allocation with risk measures
III Andrzej Palczewski University of Warsaw

Optimal Asset Allocation - a Practitioner's Perspective

  1. Dynamic portfolio theory versus static, one-period model
  2. Pitfalls of classical portfolio theory
  3. Alternative approaches: resampling, robust optimization, Black - Litterman model
  4. Performance measures
IV Bozenna Pasik Duncan University of Kansas

Cross - Boundary Nature of Identification and Adaptive Control of Stochastic Systems, and a Wide Range of Applications

  1. Dynamic portfolio theory versus static, one-period model
  2. Pitfalls of classical portfolio theory
  3. Alternative approaches: resampling, robust optimization, Black - Litterman model
  4. Performance measures
V Lukasz Stettner IMPAN

Risk Sensitive Portfolio Maximization

  1. Markowitz Problem
  2. Linear Risk Sensitive Portfolio Problems
  3. Nonlinear Risk Sensitive Portfolio Optimization
  4. Growth Optimal and Risk Sensitive Growth Optimal Portfolios
VI Wojciech Szatschneider Anahuac University

The use of some Exponential Martingales in Financial Mathema- tics

  1. Examples of squared processes
  2. Calculations with the presence of credit risk
  3. Model with saturation