Geometric and Algebraic Singularity Theory

10.09.2017 - 16.09.2017 | Będlewo

A conference in honor of the 60th Birthday of Goo Ishikawa

  The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists of various domains of singularity theory representing very classical aspects of the field as well as new  
 branches and applications to mathematical physics problems. We expect invited talks represent various approaches, algebraic and analytic to singularity theory
 problems based mainly on geometry. The main subjects will include:

 - Singularities of smooth maps and differential forms
 - Subanalytic and semialgebraic sets
 – Lipschitz stratifications
 - real algebraic aspects of singularities
 - Lagrangian and Legendrian singularities
 - Asymptotic behaviour around caustics and wavefronts
 - Symplectic singularities, local invariants
 - Singular symplectic, contact and Poisson spaces
 - Local Algebras of singularities, resolution algebras
 - D-module theory
 - Bifurcations of caustics and wavefronts
- Lagrangian cobordism invariants
- Singular reduction, Hamiltonian systems and their generalizations
- Applications to physical systems and control theory
- Differential geometry of singularities
- Affine invariants of curves and surfaces
Coorganized by 
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, Warsaw University of Technology
Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University

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