Multivariate and Mixed Linear Models

12.03.2017 - 18.03.2017 | Będlewo

The aim of the research meeting "Multivariate and Mixed Linear Models" is to bring together researchers sharing an interest in statistical procedures in multivariate and mixed linear models together with their applications in economy, agriculture or engineering. The objective is to apply tensor operators to statistical modeling of highly complex data which arises in almost all fields of contemporary science and technology. The main topics of the meeting are optimal estimation and hypothesis testing on covariance structure. The participants will present the results and current developments of their research. Mutual discussions on possible solutions to the presented problems are main and significant part of the meeting.


The conference fee, 200 EUR, covers the accommodation on site and full board from November 5 dinner till November 12 breakfast and the expenses of materials.

Methods of payments

Payment can be made in Euro (EUR) by bank transfer and made out to: Instytut Matematyczny PAN. Please check that the participants name is clearly legible in order to ensure that the payment will be correctly registered. Please note that the bank transfer fee (where applicable) must be paid by the participant.

Bank account for transfer in Euro:

  • Name of account holder: Instytut Matematyczny PAN
  • Address of account holder: ul. Śniadeckich 8, 00-956 Warszawa 10, Poland
  • Name of Bank and its branch: BPHPBK S.A. III O/Warszawa
  • Account No.: PL 17 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 1015
  • Swift code: BPHKPLPK
  • Details of payment: MMLM research meeting and participant's name

Dane konta bankowego dla przelewu w złotych:

  • Właściciel konta: Instytut Matematyczny PAN
  • Adres: ul. Śniadeckich 8, 00-956 Warszawa 10, Poland
  • Nazwa banku i oddział: BPHPBK S.A. III O/Warszawa
  • Nr konta: 90 1060 0076 0000 3210 0014 0962
  • Tytuł wpłaty: MMLM research meeting i nazwisko uczestnika

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