The XLV annual conference ''Statystyka Matematyczna'' will be held on 2 - 6 December 2019 in the Research and Conference Centre in Będlewo.
This annual conference brings together Polish theoretical and applied statisticians and provides a forum for presenting and discussing scientific issues and integration of Polish statistical community. The topic of the conference is mathematical statistics and its applications.
Especially, it covers asymptotic statistics, inference in linear models, time series models, order statistics, causality in statistics, model selection, graphical models, multivariate statistics, Monte Carlo methods and many others. Important part of research results presented and discussed during the conference are statistical methods applied in various fields of science, i.a. in medicine and biology.
You can download XLVStatistic Conference Poster
Invited lectures
Another important part of the conference are invited lectures, during which recognized specialists present their latest achievements and the latest trends and methodologies of research in modern statistics.
The lectures in current conference will concern Graphical models and genetic applications. Lectures and presentations given during the conference are aimed to inspire and attract PhD students and young researchers to statistics. Many informal meetings held during the conference provide a unique opportunity to discuss various issues important for the Polish statistical community.
Participants and International Cooperation
We expect about 70 researchers from various Polish universities and research institutes to participate in the conference. Two invited speakers, prof. Grzegorz Rempała from Ohio State University USA and dr Piotr Zwiernik from Pampeu Fabra University in Barcelona Spain, accepted invitations of the Scientific Committee. Here you can download a pdf version of dr Piotr Zwiernik lectures and here you can download a pdf version of prof. Grzegorz Rempała lectures.
A contest with prizes addressed to the young researchers for the best presentation of their results will be organized.