05Sep19:00 - 20:00
06Sep08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:45Błażej Wróbel (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Dimension-free estimates in analysis: Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions
Slides11:00 - 12:45Adam Osękowski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Bellman function method: an introduction
Slides13:45 - 14:45Lunch
17:00 - 18:45Polona Durcik (Chapman University, USA)
Non-singular and singular integral inequalities and applications
Slides19:00 - 20:00Dinner
07Sep08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:45Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Euler system and Onsager’s conjecture
Slides11:00 - 12:45Jacek Miękisz (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Mathematical physics of quasicrystals
Slides13:45 - 14:45Lunch
15:00 - 18:45Paweł Dłotko (IMPAN, Poland)
Computational topology: from theory to practice
Slides19:00 - 20:00Dinner
08Sep08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:45Krzysztof Krupiński (Univesity of Wrocław, Poland)
On some application of topological dynamics and model theory
Slides11:00 - 12:45Kilian Raschel (CNRS and University of Tours, France)
Enumeration of walks in cones, at the crossroads of several mathematical fields
Slides13:45 - 14:45Lunch
15:00 - 16:45Alain Connes (IHÉS / Collège de France, France)
A crash course on NCG, from Heisenberg to foliations, time, the quantized calculus and the paradigm of spectral geometry
Slides19:00 - 20:00Dinner
09Sep08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:45Krzysztof Frączek (Nicolaus University, Poland)
Billiards in dynamical systems
Slides11:00 - 12:45Jan Dymara (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Cohomology, bundles and representations
Slides13:45 - 14:45Lunch
15:00 - 16:45Paul F. Baum (Penn State University, State College, USA)
What is K-theory and what is it good for?
Slides19:00 - 20:00Dinner
10Sep08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 10:45Ruth Heller (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Discovering dependence between random variables and random vectors
Slides11:00 - 12:45Zbigniew Jelonek (IMPAN, Poland)
On the extension of bi-Lipschitz mappings
Slides13:45 - 14:45Lunch
15:00 - 16:45Adam Sikora (SUNY Buffalo, USA)
From knot theory to quantum topology and beyond