If you wish to give a talk or present a poster, please provides us with an abstract. For prepare a tex file using the abstract template and name it with your family name (e.g. bozejko.tex). Next, please sumit the pdf file below and, independently, send the tex and pdf files to 20-19thworkshop@impan.pl before July 1, 2022.
Martingales and the free Hilbert transformdownload
Baby talk: on some martingale inequalities in harmonic analysisdownload
Linear combinations of projections and perturbations of operators in von Neumann factorsdownload
Forest formulas and relations between cumulantsdownload
A central limit theorem for star-generators of the infinite symmetric group, which relates to traceless CCR-GUE matricesdownload
Multilinear Fourier multipliers on non-commutative $L_p$ spacesdownload
Green kernel and power series on networksdownload
Markovianity and the Thompson Group Fdownload
The model deformation phenomenon in free probabilitydownload
Central limit theorems for braided coin tossesdownload
$1$-bounded entropy and embeddings into a matrix ultraproductdownload
Quasi-free states on the algebra of multicomponent commutation relationsdownload
It\^{o}'s Formula in Free Probabilitydownload
Symmetric states for C∗-Fermi systemsdownload
Pedrick's tilde correspondence - what is that and what is it for.download
On Irreducibility of Gaussian Quantum Markov Semigroupsdownload
Scaling limits for the Gibbs states on distance-regular graphs with classical parametersdownload
Category Algebras and States on Categoriesdownload
Entropy production of the quantum Markov semigroup associated with open quantum walks on the periodic graphsdownload
Irregularity of free convolution and perturbation of unitary random matrix ensemblesdownload
Conditional expectations and subordination of (some) polynomials in free random variables via Boolean cumulantsdownload
Conditional free probability and quantum channelsdownload
Distributions for nonsymmetric monotone and weakly monotone position operatorsdownload
CP-Semigroups and Dilations, Subproduct Systems and Superproduct Systems: The Multi-Parameter Case and Beyonddownload
Entry permutations, asymptotic distributions and asymptotic free independence for several classes of random matricesdownload
Positive definite $Q$-matrices and primary non-QE graphsdownload
On C*-norms on Z_2 graded tensor productsdownload
Characterizations of spectral measuresdownload
Automorphisms of the Cuntz algebras and Weyl groupsdownload
A dual and a conjugate system for $q$-Gaussians for all $q$download
Motzkin cumulantsdownload
Mapping cones arising from quantum information theorydownload
Compact Hypergroups from Conformal Subnetsdownload
Failure of the Ryll-Nardzewski theorem on the CAR algebradownload
Connectedness and Gaussian Parts for Compact Quantum Groupsdownload
On some classes of module homomorphisms. Automatic complete boundedness and a representation theorem.download
Tail algebras on monotone and q-deformed exchangeable stochastic processesdownload
Positive definite reflection length of type Bdownload