
  • 15 JUN 2016
    Gravitational waves once again!
    Today, at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in San Diego, it was announced that gravitational waves were detected once again. On December 26, 2015, at 03:38:53 GMT, scientists from the consortium LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration observed gravitational waves for the second time. It was established that the observed gravitational waves were created in the final phase of merging of two black holes 14 and 8 times the mass of the sun, which resulted in forming a single rotating black hole 21 times the mass of the sun. Significant contribution to this second direct observation of a gravitational wave in a double black hole was made by the POLGRAW team led by prof. Andrzej Królak from the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
  • 14 JUN 2016
    HR Excellence in Research
    Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IM PAN)  has been awarded 'HR Excellence in Research', granted to research institutes and universities which recognize the importance and value of the principles presented in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
  • 31 MAY 2016
    Lecture and prize ceremony: IMPAN Prize 2016
    The prize giving ceremony will take place on 23 June 2016, room 409, IM PAN, at 16.30. Next, at 17.00, room 321, prof. Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz, the winner of the prize, will give a lecture, entitled: On some moment and tail estimates for Rademacher sums.
  • 30 MAY 2016
    The meeting of employees of IMPAN
    The Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences would like to invite all of Employees to attend THE MEETING OF EMPLOYEES OF IM PAN  on 7 June (Tuesday) at 12:00 p.m., room 403, Śniadeckich 8, Warszawa.
  • 28 MAY 2016
    Kamil Duszenko Award
    Kate Juschenko z Northwestern University is the winner of 2016 Kamil Duszenko Prize. More about the Prize and the laureates on Wroclaw Mathematician's Foundation webpage.
  • 4 MAY 2016
    Breakthrough Prize for detection of gravitational waves
     The Selection Committee of the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics on May 2, 2016, announced a Special Breakthrough Prize  in Fundamental Physics recognizing scientists and engineers contributing to the momentous detection of gravitational waves – a detection announced on February 11, 2016. A Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics can be awarded by the Selection Committee at any time, in addition to the Breakthrough Prize conferred through the ordinary annual nomination process. Previous winners of the special prize include seven leaders of the Large Hadron Collider teams that discovered the Higgs Boson. 
  • 8 APR 2016
    IM PAN Prize 2016
    IMPAN Prize in 2016 has been granted to Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz from MIM UW for outstanding achievements in probability theory and applications. 
  • 29 MAR 2016
    Medal of PAS for POLGRAW
    Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences on March 15, 2016, awarded Polish Research Team POLGRAW with the Mikołaj Kopernik Medal of the PAS for the discovery on first source of gravitational waves.  The prize giving ceremony will be part of the meeting of Presidium on April 19, 2016, at Staszic Palace in Warsaw.
  • 11 FEB 2016
    Gravitational waves discovery
    Today, at a press conference, scientists from Virgo-POLGRAW group have announced the discovery of gravitational waves. The leader of POLGRAW is prof. Andrzej Królak (IMPAN). Congratulations to all researchers involved in the project!

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