Banach Center PublicationsISSN: 0137-6934(p) 1730-6299(e)
Banach Center Publications publishes proceedings of selected conferences and semesters held at the International Stefan Banach Mathematical Center. Each volume has its particular editors, in general from among the organizers of the given conference or semester.
The following criteria are taken into account in the reviewing procedure: correctness, mathematical level, mathematical novelty, relevance to applications, language and editorial aspects. Reviewers have to declare absence of a conflict of interests involved in the reviewing process. The Editors have adopted appropriate procedures to avoid ghostwriting and guest authorship. The list of reviewers is published biannually here. The paper version is considered as primary.
Recommended format of manuscripts: 10-point type, text width 13.5 cm. If possible, use the style file for Banach Center Publications.
Style file for Latex2e: bcp.cls
Sample paper: bcp-sample.tex
Sample paper (pdf): bcp-sample.pdf
On the proof stage, the author will be asked to sign the copyright transfer agreement.
PDF proofs and the final pdf file will be sent to the corresponding author.
For additional information and advice, see Guidelines for authors.