Contents of Volume 13
Конструирование разностных схем с заданными свойствами Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 7-20 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-7-20
Approximation of initial and boundary value problems for quasilinear first order equations Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 21-31 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-21-31
On monotone difference schemes for weakly coupled systems of partial differential equations Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 33-43 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-33-43
Численные методы решения нелинейных дифференциальных уравнений с нелокальным условием Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 45-59 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-45-59
Математическое моделирование процессов теплообмена и кристаллизации слитков Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 61-71 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-61-71
Numerical solution of initial value problems in plasma physics Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 91-112 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-91-112
Точные решения некоторых задач для квазилинейного уравнения параболического типа Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 113-123 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-113-123
Диссипативные структуры режимов с обострением в нелинейной теплопроводной среде Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 125-139 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-125-139
A heat conduction problem involving phase change and its numerical solution by finite difference methods Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 141-148 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-141-148
On the approximation of the Signorini problem with friction Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 149-157 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-149-157
Approximate solutions of a free-boundary problem in the theory of journal bearings Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 159-164 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-159-164
On the numerical solutions of convection-diffusion equations Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 165-184 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-165-184
Пакет прикладных программ сафра Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 185-203 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-185-203
Регуляризирующие по тихонову операторы для решения некоторых обратных задач геофизики и теплопроводности Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 205-235 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-205-235
О регуляризации некорректно поставленных экстремальных задач при неточно заданных исходных данных Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 237-263 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-237-263
Некорректно поставленные задачи с приближённо заданным оператором Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 265-279 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-265-279
Some numerical results on the parameter identification problem for the heat conduction equation Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 281-290 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-281-290
Numerical methods in system design and identification with application to wave propagation in layered media Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 291-311 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-291-311
On empirical stochastic regularization Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 313-317 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-313-317
Устойчивые начальные многообразия и сингулярные краевые задачи для систем обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 319-351 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-319-351
The numerical treatment of stiff initial value problems Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 353-363 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-353-363
Generalized interpolation and some applications in ordinary differential equations Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 365-390 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-365-390
The numerical treatment of perturbed bifurcation in boundary value problems Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 391-405 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-391-405
On discrete approximations for a class of linear functional differential equations Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 425-442 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-425-442
On the iterative inclusion of solutions in initial value problems Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 443-461 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-443-461
Пакеты прикладных программ LTPBVP и SPARSE Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 463-472 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-463-472
Вычислительные методы линейной алгебры в компютерном оформлении Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 473-481 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-473-481
Two-sided approximations of inverses, square roots and Cholesky factors Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 483-497 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-483-497
A survey of generalized matrix inverses Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 499-526 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-499-526
Iterative solution of rectangular systems of linear algebraic equations Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 527-533 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-527-533
A parallel algorithm for solving band systems and matrix inversion Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 535-541 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-535-541
Variational approximation methods for eigenvalues. Convergence theorems Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 543-558 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-543-558
On optimal methods in numerical analysis Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 575-587 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-575-587
Round-off error analysis of the gradient method Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 589-606 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-589-606
On a class of iterative procedures for solving nonlinear equations in Banach spaces Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 607-621 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-607-621
Effective methods for computing turning points of curves implicitly defined by nonlinear equations Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 623-645 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-623-645
On the error estimation in numerical methods Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 647-658 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-647-658
Сходимость итерационных методов в пространствах соболева Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 659-664 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-659-664
Gauss type quadrature formulas for singular integrals Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 665-669 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-665-669
Predictor-corrector methods for nonlinear Volterra integral equations of the second kind Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 671-681 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-671-681
An inverse function theorem for Frechet spaces Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 683-699 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-683-699
The Lagrange multipliers theorem for locally convex metric spaces Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 701-705 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-701-705
Constrained optimization via unconstrained minimization Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 707-718 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-707-718
Some remarks on best regularization Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 719-724 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-719-724
Alternating direction Galerkin method with capacitance matrix for the parabolic problem with natural boundary condition Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 725-736 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-725-736
A method of approximation of spaces of generalized functions Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 737-783 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-737-783
A note on the solution of integer linear programming problems using duality properties Banach Center Publications 13 (1984), 785-792 DOI: 10.4064/-13-1-785-792