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Continuous dependence for solution classes of Euler-Lagrange equations generated by linear growth energies

Volume 86 / 2009

Ken Shirakawa Banach Center Publications 86 (2009), 287-302 MSC: Primary 35J20; Secondary 58C06. DOI: 10.4064/bc86-0-18


In this paper, a one-dimensional Euler-Lagrange equation associated with the total variation energy, and Euler-Lagrange equations generated by approximating total variations with linear growth, are considered. Each of the problems presented can be regarded as a governing equation for steady-states in solid-liquid phase transitions. On the basis of precise structural analysis for the solutions, the continuous dependence between the solution classes of approximating problems and that of the limiting Euler-Lagrange equation will be studied by means of the analytical methods of set-valued analysis.


  • Ken ShirakawaDepartment of Applied Mathematics
    Graduate School of Engineering
    Kobe University
    1-1 Rokkodai, Nada
    Kobe, 657-8501, Japan

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