Contents of Volume 101
Explicit upper bounds for $|L(1,\chi)|$ for primitive even Dirichlet characters Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 1-18 MSC: Primary 11M20; Secondary 11R42, 11R29. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-1-1
Fractions continues normales dans un corps de fonctions hyperelliptiques Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 19-37 MSC: Primary 30B70, 11A55, 11J70; Secondary 11Y65, 30Bxx. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-1-2
Transcendence, automata theory and gamma functions for polynomial rings Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 39-51 MSC: Primary 11T55, 11B85; Secondary 68Q70. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-1-3
The non-abelian normal CM-fields of degree 36 with class number one Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 53-61 MSC: Primary 11R29; Secondary 11R20. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-1-4
The class number one problem for the non-abelian normal CM-fields of degree 24 and 40 Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 63-80 MSC: Primary 11R29, 11R21, 11Y35. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-1-5
On the distribution of squares of integral quaternions II Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 81-95 MSC: 11P21, 11R52. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-1-6
Hecke action and the degree of the modular parameterization Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 97-104 MSC: Primary 11G18. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-2-1
Restricted divisor sums Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 105-114 MSC: 11A25, 11A51, 11M06, 11N25, 11N37. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-2-2
On additive bases with two elements Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 115-119 MSC: 11B75, 20K09. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-2-3
On the number of Arnoux–Rauzy words Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 121-129 MSC: 11J70, 37B10. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-2-4
Exponential sums modulo prime powers Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 131-149 MSC: 11L07, 11L03. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-2-5
Odd unimodular lattices of minimum 4 Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 151-158 MSC: 11H06, 11H50. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-2-6
A parametric family of quartic Thue equations Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 159-170 MSC: Primary 11D25, 11D59; Secondary 11B37, 11J68, 11J86, 11Y50. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-2-7
On the number of solutions of decomposable polynomial equations Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 171-187 MSC: 11D57, 11D72. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-2-8
The square-free kernel of $x^{2^n}-a^{2^n}$ Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 189-197 MSC: Primary 11B37; Secondary 11A05, 11B39. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-2-9
An arithmetic group associated with a Pisot unit, and its symbolic-dynamical representation Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 199-213 MSC: 11R06, 11R04, 37B10, 37D20. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-3-1
On the number of solutions of simultaneous Pell equations Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 215-221 MSC: Primary 11D09, 11D25; Secondary 11B39, 11J13, 11J86. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-3-2
Incomplete character sums over finite fields and their application to the interpolation of the discrete logarithm by Boolean functions Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 223-229 MSC: 11T23, 11T71, 11Y16, 94A60, 94C10. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-3-3
Theta-transforms and even zeta functions of Siegel modular forms Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 231-245 MSC: 11F46, 11F60, 11F66. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-3-4
On the Barban–Davenport–Halberstam theorem: XIV Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 247-292 MSC: Primary 11B25. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-3-5
Deformations of Galois representations arising from degenerate extensions Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 293-302 MSC: Primary 11F80; Secondary 11R32. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-3-6
Generators and defining equation of the modular function field of the group ${\mit\Gamma }_1(N)$ Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 303-320 MSC: Primary 14H05; Secondary 11F03, 11G18. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-4-1
Gcd-closed sets and determinants of matrices associated with arithmetical functions Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 321-332 MSC: 11C20, 11A25. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-4-2
On the average of the sum-of-$p$-prime-divisors function Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 333-338 MSC: Primary 11N37. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-4-3
Sums for $U(2n,q^2)$ and their applications Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 339-363 MSC: Primary 11T99; Secondary 11L99, 20G40. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-4-4
Sums of some multiplicative functions over a special set of integers Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 365-394 MSC: 11N37, 11L07. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-4-5
On an extension of a theorem of Schur Acta Arithmetica 101 (2002), 395-399 MSC: Primary 11B75. DOI: 10.4064/aa101-4-6