Contents of Number 2
Volume 103 / 2002
On finite pseudorandom binary sequences VII: The measures of pseudorandomness Acta Arithmetica 103 (2002) , 97-118 MSC: Primary 11K45. DOI: 10.4064/aa103-2-1
Effective solution of two simultaneous Pell equations by the elliptic logarithm method Acta Arithmetica 103 (2002) , 119-135 MSC: 11D09, 11G05, 11Y50. DOI: 10.4064/aa103-2-2
Additive properties of certain sets Acta Arithmetica 103 (2002) , 137-146 MSC: Primary 11B34; Secondary 11B83, 11B85. DOI: 10.4064/aa103-2-3
A generalization of Freiman's $3k-3$ Theorem Acta Arithmetica 103 (2002) , 147-156 MSC: Primary 11B75. DOI: 10.4064/aa103-2-4
Irrationalité d'au moins un des neuf nombres $\zeta (5), \zeta (7),\dots,\zeta (21)$ Acta Arithmetica 103 (2002) , 157-167 MSC: Primary 11J72; Secondary 11M06. DOI: 10.4064/aa103-2-5
Unique range sets in positive characteristic Acta Arithmetica 103 (2002) , 169-189 MSC: Primary 12E05; Secondary 11C08, 11S80, 30D35. DOI: 10.4064/aa103-2-6
Corrigendum to Theorem 5 of the paper “Asymptotic density of $A\subset {\Bbb N}$ and density of the ratio set $R(A)$ (Acta Arith. 87 (1998), 67–78) Acta Arithmetica 103 (2002) , 191-200 MSC: Primary 11K06, 11K31, 11B05. DOI: 10.4064/aa103-2-7