Contents of Number 4
Volume 105 / 2002
Groupe des points de Weierstrass sur une famille de quartiques lisses Acta Arithmetica 105 (2002) , 305-321 MSC: 11G30, 14H40, 14H55, 14Q05. DOI: 10.4064/aa105-4-1
Diophantine classes, dimension and Denjoy maps Acta Arithmetica 105 (2002) , 323-340 MSC: Primary 58F11, 58F12; Secondary 28D99, 28C99. DOI: 10.4064/aa105-4-2
Lucas' square pyramid problem revisited Acta Arithmetica 105 (2002) , 341-347 MSC: Primary 11D25, 11J86. DOI: 10.4064/aa105-4-3
Some doubly exponential sums over Acta Arithmetica 105 (2002) , 349-370 MSC: 11L07, 11K45, 11Y16. DOI: 10.4064/aa105-4-4
Quadratic forms, fibre products and some plane curves with many points Acta Arithmetica 105 (2002) , 371-386 MSC: 11G20, 14G05, 14G50. DOI: 10.4064/aa105-4-5
On the number of primitive Pythagorean triangles Acta Arithmetica 105 (2002) , 387-403 MSC: Primary 11P21. DOI: 10.4064/aa105-4-6