Contents of Number 4
Volume 117 / 2005
Une région explicite sans zéros pour la fonction $\zeta$ de Riemann Acta Arithmetica 117 (2005) , 303-339 MSC: Primary 11M06, 11M26. DOI: 10.4064/aa117-4-1
On the number of prime divisors of the order of elliptic curves modulo $p$ Acta Arithmetica 117 (2005) , 341-352 MSC: 11N36, 14H52. DOI: 10.4064/aa117-4-2
Mean square value of exponential sums related to the representation of integers as sums of squares Acta Arithmetica 117 (2005) , 353-370 MSC: Primary 11E25; Secondary 11L07, 37C40. DOI: 10.4064/aa117-4-3
On the mean square weighted ${\cal L}_2$ discrepancy of randomized digital $(t,m,s)$-nets over ${\mathbb Z}_2$ Acta Arithmetica 117 (2005) , 371-403 MSC: 11K38, 11K06. DOI: 10.4064/aa117-4-4