Contents of Number 3
Volume 118 / 2005
Des automorphismes continus d'un corps de séries de Puiseux Acta Arithmetica 118 (2005) , 205-229 MSC: Primary 12E30, 20E34, 20E45; Secondary 12J10, 12J15, 20E18. DOI: 10.4064/aa118-3-1
A mean square formula for central values of twisted automorphic $L$-functions Acta Arithmetica 118 (2005) , 231-262 MSC: Primary 11F66; Secondary 11F30. DOI: 10.4064/aa118-3-2
On higher-power moments of ${\mit\Delta}(x)$ (III) Acta Arithmetica 118 (2005) , 263-281 MSC: 11N37, 11M06. DOI: 10.4064/aa118-3-3
A discrete Fourier kernel and Fraenkel's tiling conjecture Acta Arithmetica 118 (2005) , 283-304 MSC: 42A16, 11B50, 11L99. DOI: 10.4064/aa118-3-4