Contents of Number 2
Volume 128 / 2007
Ratios of congruent numbers Acta Arithmetica 128 (2007) , 101-106 MSC: Primary 11G05; Secondary 14G05. DOI: 10.4064/aa128-2-1
On a mixed Littlewood conjecture in Diophantine approximation Acta Arithmetica 128 (2007) , 107-124 MSC: 11J04, 11J61. DOI: 10.4064/aa128-2-2
Sequences with bounded l.c.m. of each pair of terms, III Acta Arithmetica 128 (2007) , 125-133 MSC: 11B75, 11B83. DOI: 10.4064/aa128-2-3
Linear equations with the Euler totient function Acta Arithmetica 128 (2007) , 135-147 MSC: 11D04, 11D45, 11K65, 11L20, 11N35, 11N37. DOI: 10.4064/aa128-2-4
Two Diophantine approaches to the irreducibility of certain trinomials Acta Arithmetica 128 (2007) , 149-156 MSC: Primary 11R09; Secondary 11D41, 11R32. DOI: 10.4064/aa128-2-5
The distribution of zeros of Epstein zeta functions over ${\rm GL}_{n}$ Acta Arithmetica 128 (2007) , 157-166 MSC: Primary 11M41. DOI: 10.4064/aa128-2-6
Heights of powers of Newman and Littlewood polynomials Acta Arithmetica 128 (2007) , 167-176 MSC: 11C08, 30C10. DOI: 10.4064/aa128-2-7
A new construction of $(t,s)$-sequences and some improved bounds on their quality parameter Acta Arithmetica 128 (2007) , 177-191 MSC: 11K38, 11K45, 11R58. DOI: 10.4064/aa128-2-8
Prime numbers of the form $p=m^2+n^2+1$ in short intervals Acta Arithmetica 128 (2007) , 193-200 MSC: 11N05, 11N36. DOI: 10.4064/aa128-2-9