Contents of Number 4
Volume 132 / 2008
Trace formulas and class number sums Acta Arithmetica 132 (2008) , 301-313 MSC: 11R29, 11F32. DOI: 10.4064/aa132-4-1
Congruences for Stirling numbers and Eulerian numbers Acta Arithmetica 132 (2008) , 315-328 MSC: Primary 11A07; Secondary 05A15, 11B65, 11B73. DOI: 10.4064/aa132-4-2
Kloosterman sums, elliptic curves, and irreducible polynomials with prescribed trace and norm Acta Arithmetica 132 (2008) , 329-350 MSC: 11T06, 11T23. DOI: 10.4064/aa132-4-3
On the $k$-free divisor problem (II) Acta Arithmetica 132 (2008) , 351-358 MSC: Primary 11N37. DOI: 10.4064/aa132-4-4
An odd square as a sum of an odd number of odd squares Acta Arithmetica 132 (2008) , 359-371 MSC: 11F03, 11F11, 11F20. DOI: 10.4064/aa132-4-5
Indivisibility of class numbers of imaginary quadratic function fields Acta Arithmetica 132 (2008) , 373-376 MSC: Primary 11R58; Secondary 11R11, 11R29. DOI: 10.4064/aa132-4-6
Multiple Dirichlet series over rational function fields Acta Arithmetica 132 (2008) , 377-391 MSC: Primary 11F66, 11M41; Secondary 11F30, 20F55. DOI: 10.4064/aa132-4-7
Simultaneous diagonal equations over $\mathfrak {p}$-adic fields Acta Arithmetica 132 (2008) , 393-399 MSC: 11D72, 11D79. DOI: 10.4064/aa132-4-8