Contents of Number 3
Volume 135 / 2008
Certain maximal curves and Cartier operators Acta Arithmetica 135 (2008) , 199-218 MSC: 11G20, 11M38, 14G15, 14H25. DOI: 10.4064/aa135-3-1
Normal bases of rings of continuous functions constructed with the $(q_n)$-digit principle Acta Arithmetica 135 (2008) , 219-230 MSC: Primary 12J25, 11S99; Secondary 13F20, 11B65. DOI: 10.4064/aa135-3-2
Inverse zero-sum problems and algebraic invariants Acta Arithmetica 135 (2008) , 231-246 MSC: 11R27, 11B75, 11P99, 20D60, 20K01, 05E99, 13F05. DOI: 10.4064/aa135-3-3
Some new families of Tasoevian and Hurwitzian continued fractions Acta Arithmetica 135 (2008) , 247-268 MSC: Primary 11A55. DOI: 10.4064/aa135-3-4
Higher Mahler measures and zeta functions Acta Arithmetica 135 (2008) , 269-297 MSC: 11M06, 11R09. DOI: 10.4064/aa135-3-5