Contents of Number 1
Volume 137 / 2009
Palindromes dans les progressions arithmétiques Acta Arithmetica 137 (2009) , 1-41 MSC: 11A63, 11K36, 11L07, 11N36. DOI: 10.4064/aa137-1-1
On some new estimates for $h^-({\mathbb {Q}}(\zeta _p))$ Acta Arithmetica 137 (2009) , 43-50 MSC: Primary 11R18. DOI: 10.4064/aa137-1-2
Lower order terms in the 1-level density for families of holomorphic cuspidal newforms Acta Arithmetica 137 (2009) , 51-98 MSC: Primary 11M26; Secondary 11G40, 11M41, 15A52. DOI: 10.4064/aa137-1-3