Contents of Number 1
Volume 155 / 2012
Square-free values of $n^2+1$ Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 1-13 MSC: Primary 11N32; Secondary 11D45. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-1
On the determination of the Plancherel measure for Lebedev–Whittaker transforms on $\mathop {GL}(n)$ Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 15-26 MSC: Primary 11F55, 22E30; Secondary 44A05, 33C15. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-2
Schinzel's problem: Imprimitive covers and the monodromy method Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 27-40 MSC: Primary 141130, 20B15, 20C15, 30F10; Secondary 12D05, 12E30, 12F10, 20E22. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-3
On additive decompositions of the set of quadratic residues modulo $p$ Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 41-51 MSC: Primary 11P70; Secondary 11B99. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-4
Generalized Frobenius numbers: bounds and average behavior Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 53-62 MSC: 11D07, 11H06, 52C07, 11D45. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-5
Zero-cycles and rational points on some surfaces over a global function field Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 63-70 MSC: Primary 14G25; Secondary 14G15, 14G05, 14C25, 11D25. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-6
Improved discrepancy bounds for hybrid sequences involving Halton sequences Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 71-84 MSC: 11K38, 11K45, 65C05, 65C10. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-7
On the Hausdorff dimension of the expressible set of certain sequences Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 85-90 MSC: Primary 11K55; Secondary 11J72. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-8
A symmetric diophantine system concerning fifth powers Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 91-95 MSC: Primary 11D41. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-9
On interaction of Hecke–Shimura rings: symplectic versus orthogonal Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 97-107 MSC: Primary 11F27, 11F46, 11F60, 20C08. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-10
A set of squares without arithmetic progressions Acta Arithmetica 155 (2012) , 109-115 MSC: Primary 11B50, 11B75, 11P70. DOI: 10.4064/aa155-1-11