Contents of Number 3
Volume 183 / 2018
Descent for the punctured universal elliptic curve, and the average number of integral points on elliptic curves Acta Arithmetica 183 (2018) , 201-222 MSC: 11D, 11G05, 11D59. DOI: 10.4064/aa8458-11-2017
Halász’s theorem for Beurling numbers Acta Arithmetica 183 (2018) , 223-235 MSC: Primary 11N37; Secondary 11N05. DOI: 10.4064/aa8668-11-2017
CM points on Shimura curves and $p$-adic binary quadratic forms Acta Arithmetica 183 (2018) , 237-256 MSC: Primary 11G18; Secondary 11E08, 11G15. DOI: 10.4064/aa170221-25-11
Estimates for Fourier coefficients of Hermitian cusp forms of degree two Acta Arithmetica 183 (2018) , 257-275 MSC: Primary 11F55; Secondary 11F50, 11F30. DOI: 10.4064/aa170301-26-10
The number of representations of some positive integers by binary forms Acta Arithmetica 183 (2018) , 277-283 MSC: 11E16, 11E25. DOI: 10.4064/aa170717-2-12
On the error term concerning the number of subgroups of the groups $\mathbb {Z}_m \times \mathbb {Z}_n$ with $m,n\le x$ Acta Arithmetica 183 (2018) , 285-299 MSC: Primary 11A25, 11N37; Secondary 20K01, 20K27. DOI: 10.4064/aa171111-7-2