Contents of Number 3
Volume 187 / 2019
Measure-theoretic aspects of oscillations of error terms Acta Arithmetica 187 (2019) , 201-217 MSC: 11N37, 11M06. DOI: 10.4064/aa170126-23-4
Constructing ray class fields of a real quadratic field using elliptic curves Acta Arithmetica 187 (2019) , 219-232 MSC: Primary 11G05; Secondary 11R37, 11Y40. DOI: 10.4064/aa170425-14-5
Beta-expansion and continued fraction expansion of real numbers Acta Arithmetica 187 (2019) , 233-253 MSC: Primary 11A63, 11K50; Secondary 37A50, 60F15. DOI: 10.4064/aa170630-27-3
Congruences modulo 5 for the number of spin characters of the double covers of the symmetric and alternating groups Acta Arithmetica 187 (2019) , 255-269 MSC: Primary 11P83; Secondary 05A17. DOI: 10.4064/aa170920-12-4
Dilated floor functions having nonnegative commutator I. Positive and mixed sign dilations Acta Arithmetica 187 (2019) , 271-299 MSC: Primary 11A25; Secondary 11B83, 11D07, 11Z05, 26D07, 52C05. DOI: 10.4064/aa180602-21-9