Contents of Number 4
Volume 191 / 2019
Some congruences connecting quadratic class numbers with continued fractions Acta Arithmetica 191 (2019) , 309-340 MSC: Primary 11R29; Secondary 11A55, 11F20. DOI: 10.4064/aa8640-4-2019
On an almost-prime sieve Acta Arithmetica 191 (2019) , 341-359 MSC: Primary 11N36; Secondary 11M06. DOI: 10.4064/aa171218-21-10
Factorization of bivariate sparse polynomials Acta Arithmetica 191 (2019) , 361-381 MSC: Primary 13P05; Secondary 12Y05. DOI: 10.4064/aa171219-18-12
On the discrepancy of random subsequences of $\{n\alpha\}$ Acta Arithmetica 191 (2019) , 383-415 MSC: 11K38, 11L07, 11J70, 60G50. DOI: 10.4064/aa180417-12-12