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Weighted Erdős–Kac theorems via computing moments

Volume 217 / 2025

Kai (Steve) Fan Acta Arithmetica 217 (2025), 99-158 MSC: Primary 11N60; Secondary 11K65, 11N37 DOI: 10.4064/aa231014-9-8 Published online: 15 January 2025


By adapting the moment method developed by Granville and Soundararajan (2007), Khan, Milinovich and Subedi (2022) obtained a weighted version of the Erdős–Kac theorem for $\omega (n)$ with multiplicative weight $d_k(n)$, where $\omega (n)$ denotes the number of distinct prime divisors of a positive integer $n$, and $d_k(n)$ is the $k$-fold divisor function with $k\in \mathbb N $. In the present paper, we generalize their method to study the distribution of additive functions $f(n)$ weighted by nonnegative multiplicative functions $\alpha (n)$ in a wide class. In particular, we establish uniform asymptotic formulas for the moments of $f(n)$ with suitable growth rates. We also prove a qualitative result on the moments which extends a theorem of Delange and Halberstam (1957). As a consequence, we obtain a weighted analogue of the Kubilius–Shapiro theorem.


  • Kai (Steve) FanMax-Planck-Institut für Mathematik
    53111 Bonn, Germany

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