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On Krull–Schmidt decompositions of unit groups of number fields

Volume 218 / 2025

Asuka Kumon, Donghyeok Lim Acta Arithmetica 218 (2025), 77-96 MSC: Primary 11R27; Secondary 11R33, 20C10 DOI: 10.4064/aa240314-24-8 Published online: 25 November 2024


We prove that the Krull–Schmidt decomposition of the Galois module of the $p$-adic completion of algebraic units is controlled by the primes that are ramified in the Galois extension and the $S$-ideal class group. We also compute explicit upper bounds for the number of possible Galois module structures of algebraic units when the Galois group is cyclic of order $p^{2}$ or $p^{3}$.


  • Asuka KumonDepartment of Mathematics
    King’s College London
    London WC2R 2LS, UK
  • Donghyeok LimInstitute of Mathematical Sciences
    Ewha Womans University
    Seoul 03760
    Republic of Korea

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