Contents of Number 4
Volume 73 / 1995
Sommes d'exponentielles et principe de l'hyperbole Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 303-324 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-303-324
The period lengths of inversive congruential recursions Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 325-341 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-325-341
On Ramanujan's cubic continued fraction Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 343-355 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-343-355
The value of the Estermann zeta functions at s=0 Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 357-361 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-357-361
On the diophantine equation $(x^m-1)/(x-1) = y^n$ Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 363-366 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-363-366
Addendum to Ramachandra's paper "Some problems of analytic number theory, I" Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 367-371 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-367-371
On Shioda's problem about Jacobi sums II Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 373-377 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-373-377
On a problem of Dvornicich and Zannier Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 379-387 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-379-387
Reciprocity formulae for general Dedekind-Rademacher sums Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 389-396 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-389-396
Corrections to "A quantitative version of Runge's theorem on diophantine equations" (Acta Arith. 62 (1992), 157-172) Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 397-398 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-397-398
Errata to "On reducible trinomials" (Dissertationes Mathematicae 329 (1993)) Acta Arithmetica 73 (1995) , 399-400 DOI: 10.4064/aa-73-4-399-400