On generalized topological spaces II
Volume 108 / 2013
Annales Polonici Mathematici 108 (2013), 185-214
MSC: Primary 54A05; Secondary 03C07, 46A17, 06B99.
DOI: 10.4064/ap108-2-4
This is the second part of A. Piękosz [Ann. Polon. Math. 107 (2013), 217–241]. The categories ${\bf GTS}(M)$, with $M$ a non-empty set, are shown to be topological. Several related categories are proved to be finitely complete. Locally small and nice weakly small spaces can be described using certain sublattices of power sets. Some important elements of the theory of locally definable and weakly definable spaces are reconstructed in a wide context of structures with topologies.