The Dirichlet problem with sublinear nonlinearities
Volume 78 / 2002
Annales Polonici Mathematici 78 (2002), 131-140
MSC: Primary 58E30; Secondary 35J20, 35J25.
DOI: 10.4064/ap78-2-4
We investigate the existence of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the differential inclusion $0\in {\mit\Delta} x(y)+\partial _{x}G(y,x(y))$ for a.e. $y\in {\mit\Omega} ,$ which is a generalized Euler–Lagrange equation for the functional $J(x)=\int_{\mit\Omega}\{\frac{1}{2}% |\nabla x(y)|^{2}-G(y,x(y))\}\,dy.$ We develop a duality theory and formulate the variational principle for this problem. As a consequence of duality, we derive the variational principle for minimizing sequences of $J$. We consider the case when $G$ is subquadratic at infinity.