Global solutions to a density-suppressed motility system modeling oncolytic virotherapy

Enhui Pan, Changchun Liu Annales Polonici Mathematici MSC: Primary 35A01; Secondary 92C17, 35K51, 35K57 DOI: 10.4064/ap230913-15-2 Published online: 21 May 2024


We study a partial differential system which is a model of oncolytic virotherapy. It illuminates interaction between infected cancer cells, uninfected cancer cells, extracellular matrix (ECM) and oncolytic viruses. The main result is that the associated initial boundary value problem admits a global classical solution in two-dimensional domains with any given suitably regular initial data, where $\gamma (v) \in C^3([0,\infty ))$, $\gamma (v) \gt 0$, $\gamma^{\prime}(v) \lt 0$ for all $v \geq 0$. By treating $\gamma (v)$ as a weight function and employing the method of weighted energy estimates, we derive the $L^\infty $-bound of $v$ to establish the global existence of classical solutions of the problem with a uniform in time bound.


  • Enhui PanDepartment of Mathematics
    Jilin University
    Changchun 130012, China
  • Changchun LiuDepartment of Mathematics
    Jilin University
    Changchun 130012, China

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