On some representations of almost everywhere continuous functions on $\mathbb R^m$
Volume 105 / 2006
Colloquium Mathematicum 105 (2006), 319-331
MSC: 26B05, 26B35, 54C08, 54C30.
DOI: 10.4064/cm105-2-12
It is proved that the following conditions are equivalent: (a) $f$ is an almost everywhere continuous function on ${{\mathbb R}}^m $; (b) $f=g+h$, where $g,h$ are strongly quasicontinuous on ${{\mathbb R}}^m;$ (c) $f=c+gh$, where $c \in {{\mathbb R}}$ and $g,h$ are strongly quasicontinuous on ${{\mathbb R}}^m.$