Contents of Number 1
Volume 129 / 2012
Weaker forms of continuity and vector-valued Riemann integration Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 1-6 MSC: Primary 46G10; Secondary 46G12. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-1
Potential theory of one-dimensional geometric stable processes Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 7-40 MSC: Primary 60J45. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-2
On small deviations of Gaussian processes using majorizing measures Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 41-59 MSC: Primary 60F15, 60G50; Secondary 60F05. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-3
Posner's second theorem and annihilator conditions with generalized skew derivations Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 61-74 MSC: 16W25, 16N60. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-4
Algebraic and topological properties of some sets in $\ell_1$ Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 75-85 MSC: Primary 40A05; Secondary 15A03. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-5
Atomicity and the fixed divisor in certain pullback constructions Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 87-97 MSC: 13A05, 13F15, 13F20, 13G05. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-6
On certain porous sets in the Orlicz space of a locally compact group Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 99-111 MSC: Primary 46E30, 43A15; Secondary 54E52. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-7
Finite groups with few self-normalizing subgroups Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 113-117 MSC: Primary 20D35; Secondary 20E34. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-8
Strongly invariant means on commutative hypergroups Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 119-131 MSC: Primary 43A62; Secondary 43A07. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-9
Weakly precompact subsets of $L_1(\mu,X)$ Colloquium Mathematicum 129 (2012) , 133-143 MSC: Primary 46B20, 46E40, 46G10; Secondary 28B05. DOI: 10.4064/cm129-1-10